Page 24 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 11 November 2023
P. 24

Gold in the Heartland             Golden Exports                    New Mining Horizons
           The Central Arabian Gold Region,   Saudi Arabia isn't just digging gold   Saudi Arabia isn't resting on its
           stretching from the Red Sea coast   for its own sake. Its glittering exports   laurels. A new mining law, enacted on
           to the nation's core, is where gold   find their way to various corners of   December 29, 2020, but approved
           enthusiasts should focus their    the globe. Leading the pack are the   on June 9, 2020, is set to revitalise
           attention. The Saudi Geological   United Arab Emirates, Switzerland,   the mining sector and diversify
           Survey recently set hearts racing by   India, Australia, and Malaysia as the   the nation's economy away from
           announcing the discovery of gold   prime destinations for Saudi Arabia's   hydrocarbons. The law prioritises
           deposits in the Aba al-Raha locality   precious gold exports.       investor access to financing,
           of Medina. In a significant milestone,                              supports exploration and geological
           Saudi Arabia's largest gold mine   A Love for Gold                  survey activities, establishes a mining
           commenced operations in the first   It's not just about production; Saudi   fund for sector development, and
           quarter of 2022, further solidifying the  Arabia is also one of the world's   addresses investor concerns about
           country's position in the global gold   largest consumers of gold and   growth and profitability.
           market.                           jewellery. Predictions indicate that the
                                             nation's gold and diamond jewellery   Guardians of the Mining Realm
           A Global Player                   market is set to grow into a $7.06   The Ministry of Industry and Mineral
           In 2022, Saudi Arabia ranked as the   billion industry by 2027. Saudi gold,   Resources stands as the guardian
           world's twenty-sixth-largest gold   often 21 karats or higher, boasts   of the Mining Investment Law. This
           producer, with production showing   intricate designs and carvings,   legislation, aligned with contemporary
           an impressive 11% increase in 2021.   rivalling any global jewellery hotspot.  international practices, supersedes
           The nation's gold reserves, estimated                               the old law in effect since 2005.
           at a staggering 60 million ounces, are   Golden Tax Rules           The Ministry of Industrial and
           nothing to scoff at. While gold mining   Saudi Arabia has some clear rules   Mineral Resources is the principal
           hasn't historically been a headline   when it comes to taxing gold. Gold   government entity entrusted with
           act, it's the unsung hero, largely   with a purity of 99% or higher enjoys   ensuring adherence to the Mining
           overshadowed by copper mining.    a tax exemption. For gold with a   Investment Law, guiding Saudi Arabia
           Saudi Arabia's gold reserves are   purity level below 99%, the standard   into a bright and promising mining
           nothing short of impressive, currently   5% VAT rate applies. However, it's   future.
           standing at 323.7 tons.           essential to note that gold jewellery
                                             sold by individuals registered in the
                                             VAT system is subject to a 15% VAT.


            Topic                Key Points

            Turkey's Gold Love   - Turkish culture values gold for ceremonies, private ownership: $200-300B.

            Gold Demand          - Turkey consistently 9% of global gold bar and coin demand, surged in Q2 2023.

            Gold Reserves        - Q1 2023: 572 tonnes, 34% of forex reserves. Oscillating, +148 tonnes in 2022.

            Turkish Gold Coins   - Altin, Mahbub, Kurush (Mecidi) coins guard against currency depreciation.
            Turkey's Gold Mines  - 19 active gold mines, incl. Çöpler, Ertugrul Gazi, Soma, and TavSanli.

            Mining Laws          - State owns resources, private entities can obtain rights. No foreign ownership restrictions.

            Golden Exports       - Turkey ranks third globally in gold consumption. Jewellery exports target $6B.

            Jewellery Exports    - Turkish jewellery exports reach diverse global destinations.
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