Page 17 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 11 November 2023
P. 17

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 11 | November 2023

             Revitalizing India's Gold and Silver Refining Sector:

                    Economic Potential and Policy Imperatives

                          Mr Harshad Ajmera, Secretary, Association of Gold Refiners & Mints (AGRM)

           Association of Gold Refineries &     detailed precious metal content   Given these significant contributions,
           Mints (AGRM) is the only registered   in the dore bar.              supporting India's gold and silver
           trade body / association in the                                     refining sector is vital for economic
           domain of precious metal refineries   III.  The duty differential between   growth and global industry
           and mints representing the BIS       gold bullion and gold dore bars   leadership.
           recognized & NABL accredited         to be changed from 0.65% to
           laboratories in India. More than     1.65%.                         India can draw valuable lessons
           90% of annual domestic refining of                                  from Switzerland's success in
           precious metals is carried out by                                   developing its refining sector,
           the members of the AGRM only. We   Gold and silver refining sector   which has become a global
           take this opportunity to express the   in India plays a crucial role in   leader.
           gratitude on behalf of all members   country’s economy:             •   Global Refining Hub:
           for the facilitation measures being   •   Economic Contribution: The   Switzerland's position as a global
           extended by the Government of        gold and silver refining sector   hub for gold refining with 70% of
           India for the growth of the domestic   is a major contributor to       global gold refining happening.
           refiners.                            India's economy. With 43 BIS   •   Export Performance:
                                                accredited refineries, it plays   Switzerland's ability to export
           AGRM has been raising issues         a pivotal role in the country's   1,352 tonnes of gold in 2021,
           related to (i) modification in       economic growth.                  amounting to $78 billion,
           condition no. 40 of Notn. No.     •   Gold Import Volume: The fact     underscores the country's
           50/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017     that these refineries collectively   role as a major player in the
           and (ii) reduction in Custom Duty    refine approximately 200-250      international precious metals
           on Import of Gold Dore, with the     tonnes of gold annually in the    market.
           Ministry of Finance (MoF) for the last   form of Dore and contributes   •   Factors of Success: Robust
           three budgets.                       almost a third of India           banking, stable regulations, and
                                                consumption.                      tech advancements drive growth
           I.   Condition No. 40 (a) annexed   •   Revenue Generation: Import     and competitiveness.
              to the aforesaid Notn. may be     duties and GST revenue         •   Ancillary Industries:
              amended such that each bar in     amounting to over USD 2.5         Switzerland's refining sector
              a consignment of imported gold    billion annually is a substantial   has had a cascading effect
              dore has a minimum weight of 2    source of income for the national   on the economy. It has led to
              kg. or above (instead of 5 kg. or   exchequer.                      the development of flourishing
              above).                        •   Employment and Industry          ancillary industries, such as
                                                Growth: This sector also          jewellery making, prestige
           II.  Condition No. 40 (b) and 40     generates employment              watch manufacturing, and other
              (c) may be amended such           opportunities and supports        supporting sectors.
              that the goods are imported in    related industries, such as    •   Domestic and Export
              accordance with the packing       jewellery manufacturing and       Opportunities: Switzerland's
              list issued by an aggregator /    retail, further boosting the      focus on refining has not only
              exporter based in the exporting   country's economic activity.      created domestic opportunities
              country and that the importer   •   Global Standing: Enhances       but has also positioned it as
              produces an assay certificate     India's global standing in        a major exporter of precious
              generated / issued by such        precious metals, facilitating     metals.
              aggregator / exporter giving      international trade and relations.

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