Page 38 - Bullion World Volume 03 Issue 6 June 2023
P. 38

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 6 | June 2023

           stores in other prominent cities in the   Saudi Arabia, Singapore and the   Malabar is the first jewellery group
           country, he added.                United States. The Group plan     in the country to implement HUID
                                             to expand its footprint to more   hallmarking across its showrooms
           “The artistry store here gives an   countries such as United Kingdom,   for all its products. It has 317
           indication of how we want to move   Bangladesh, Australia, Canada,   showrooms across 10 countries
           ahead in the coming years. We aim to   Egypt, Turkey and South Africa in the   at present. It plans to execute
           give a completely different experience  coming years, he added.     each project by fully adhering to
           to the customers, providing them                                    Environment Social Governance to
           information on design development   Malabar Gold & Diamonds has also   fulfill its commitment to the society
           and manufacturing. This is one of the   introduced a special reward scheme   and nature. The Group runs on its
           crucial results of our continued and   for the customers to celebrate the   10 cardinal promises that include the
           sustained research and development   30 years of operations. It will give a   life-long free maintenance, buy-back
           on how to elevate the shopping    gift, the value of which will be equal   guarantee, free insurance protection,
           experience. The trust from the    to that of 100 mg gold coin, against   complete transparency, 100%
           customers and our commitment to   every purchase worth Rs 30,000. In   value on changing the ornaments,
           give back the best to them made   case of diamonds, gems, precious   fair price policy, quality-certified
           this brand the most favourite of the   stones and ornaments, the gift will   diamond products, responsible
           people,” said O Asher.            be equal to that of a 250 mg gold   sourcing, and fair wages and
                                             coin. The offer will continue till May   benefits to the employees.
           The Group at present has          31, 2023. This will be applicable also
           showrooms in India, UAE, Bahrain,   to those making advance purchase
           Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar,    booking.

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