Page 36 - Bullion World Volume 03 Issue 6 June 2023
P. 36

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 6 | June 2023

           Bullion World is delighted to have   Risk and uncertainty (3) Opportunity   to the dollar. When interest rates
           an exclusive interview with Mr Juan   cost, and (4) momentum.       increase, investors are compelled to
           Carlos covering central banks, the                                  put money into banks as opposed to
           main factors driving gold, and the   The first two drivers - economic   investing in other things like gold.
           outlook for the Indian market.    expansion/risk and uncertainty
                                             are linked to the dual nature of gold.   So that can create headwinds, and
           Bullion World - As mentioned in   Consumer demand – jewellery,      momentum is just going to come.
           your presentation, the central    technology, and so on - is positively   It gives you a positive or negative
           banks purchased a record          linked to economic expansion.     trend depending on where you are in
           quantity of gold in 2022. Who     Economic expansion is a sustained   the system. But those two are more
           were the main buyers? Is it one,   economic growth characterised by   short-term.
           or do you see a continuity this   rising real output and typically rising
           year too?                         employment, prices, and profit.   The dollar has strengthened a lot
           As we all know, central banks play                                  already against other currencies. It is
           a vital role in the pricing of gold and   When the economy grows, people   strengthening partly because of US
           have a big influence over the market.   will have more disposable income   growth expectations and increasing
           The magnitude of purchases from   and can spend more on jewellery   interest rates.
           central banks last year certainly   and technology, and all of those
           hit a record. But this cannot be   factors support the demand side of   In response, all other central banks
           considered as an exception. Central   gold. Positive economic growth is   too started increasing their interest
           banks have been consistently      not harmful to investment. It is often   rate. The dollar has been weakening
           buying gold for the past 13 years.   the case that when you have positive   recently. The falling differential is
           Hence the year 2022 marked the    economic growth, you have less    already creating a slightly more
           13th consecutive year, of net,    risk in the market. Risk is one of the   favourable environment for gold.
           central bank purchases. Central   drivers of investment. And so when   On the interest rates, the US might
           bank purchases are a regular      there's higher risk, you can have   increase it further, but it will likely
           phenomenon that is happening,     more need for hedging and so on   not increase as much, especially
           these banks buy a little bit more or   Let me give you an example. In   from the Fed’s perspective and even
           a little bit less, but you start to see   2010 and 2011, emerging markets   some of the European central bank’s
           significant diversity. Here, we have   rebounded from the global financial   perspective; interest rates are slightly
           seen significant diversity happening   crisis. So, there was support for   closer to where they need to be.
           for the past 13 years.            that. Yet the Western world was
                                             experiencing the European sovereign
           Bullion World - Could you explain   debt crisis and was still in risk-off
           the different factors that affect   mode. We can have circumstances
           the price of Gold?                where both factors are positive.
           One of the most important things   In this case, the supporting factor
           about gold is that it has a dual   for consumer demand is emerging
           nature. It's an asset that is both a   markets but also supporting demand
           consumer good (an adornment,      for investment in other markets.
           a piece of jewellery, a part of the   The first two factors do not always
           technology, and so on) and an     go against each other even though
           investment. Those two market      oftentimes it may happen. The point
           segments do not move for the same   is that those two drivers tend to have
           reasons simultaneously.           more of a long-term effect on gold.

           I'll explain to you how that works.   Let us understand the next two
           Generally speaking, our analysis   sets of drivers - opportunity cost
           shows that there are four drivers of   and momentum. Opportunity cost
           gold (1) Economic expansion, (2)   is usually linked to interest rates

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