Page 38 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 10 October 2024
P. 38

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 10 | October 2024
           B ullion  W orld |  V olume 4 | I ssue 10 | O ct ober  2024

           "China Halts Gold Imports

           from Switzerland as India

           Steps Up Demand"

           In a notable shift in the global gold market,      to a discount compared to those in London,
           China—historically the largest consumer of         further diminishing the motivation for imports.
           gold—halted its imports from Switzerland
           in August, marking the first such pause            The repercussions of this drop in Chinese
           since January 2021. Customs data from              demand were evident in Switzerland's overall
           Switzerland, a key hub for gold refining and       gold exports, which fell to their lowest level
           transit, revealed a complete cessation of          since June. In contrast, India's gold imports
           shipments to China during the month.  This         surged by 38% month-on-month in August.
           trend follows a steady decline in imports over     This increase coincided with a reduction in
           the previous two months, as escalating gold        the state import tax on gold, the lowest it has
           prices discouraged buyers in Asia. The trend       been in a decade.  While demand in China
           in declining imports was as anticipated given      has softened in response to higher prices,
           that exports to Greater China had already          India is stepping in to fill the gap, reflecting a
           weakened in July due to dwindling demand.          significant shift in the dynamics of the global
           Additionally, local gold prices in China shifted   gold market.

                        Swiss gold exports to the key markets (in kgs)

           Source: Swiss customs. Data subject to revision.

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