Page 33 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 10 October 2024
P. 33

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 10 | October 2024

                                                    "   The India Gold Conference has consistently

          "   Participating in the India                provided Sovereign Metals with an

                                                        unparalleled platform to engage with industry
              Gold Conference allows                    peers and regulatory bodies. Its focus on

              Sequel to network with                    bullion trading strategies and market insights
              industry stakeholders,                    has enabled us to navigate the complexities
              gain insights into market                 of the Indian and global gold markets
              trends, and enhance brand                 effectively.    "
              visibility. Engaging with
              potential clients helps us
              tailor logistics solutions
              to meet specific needs.
              Additionally, learning about
              regulatory changes and               "  DP Gold has benefited immensely from the
              innovative technologies                 India Gold Conference, particularly through

              can strengthen Sequel's                 its deep dive into global market trends and
              operations in the Indian                pricing strategies. The conference’s focus on
              market.     "                           best practices in bullion trade has allowed us

                                                      to enhance our risk management and client
                                                      offerings.     "

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