Page 34 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 7 January 2024
P. 34

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 7 | July 2024

            From where do you buy silver?                     Retailers' Insights
           •   90% purchase silver from bullion dealers.      From which state are you from?
           •   A smaller percentage buy from banks.           •  18.5% of the retailers were from Karnataka
                                                              •  14.8% were from Rajasthan
                                                              •  14.8% were from Gujarat
                                                              •  14.8% were from Tamil Nadu
                                                              •  11.1% were from Telangana
                                                              •  11.1% were from Andra Pradesh
                                                              •  7.4% were from Jharkhand
                                                              •  3.7% were from Kerala
                                                              •  3.7% were from Maharashtra

           Graph: Silver Procurement Sources

           Are you aware of the UAE-CEPA agreement and
           silver duty concession availed?
           •   66.7% are unaware of the UAE-CEPA agreement
              and the silver duty concession.
           •   33.3% are aware of these benefits.

                                                              Do you have a dedicated silver showroom?
                                                              •   81.5% of retailers have dedicated silver showrooms.
                                                              •   18.5% do not have dedicated silver jewellery

           Graph: Awareness of UAE-CEPA Agreement
           and Silver Duty Concession

           What denominations of silver do you buy the most?
                                                              Graph: Presence of Dedicated Silver Showrooms
           •   Manufacturers typically buy 30 kg silver bars, with
              some purchasing 5 kg bars.                      What percentage of silver jewellery sales is to
                                                              overall sales?
                                                              •   63% report that silver jewellery sales constitute more
                                                                 than 50% of their total sales.
                                                              •   22.2% say silver jewellery sales account for 20-50%
                                                                 of total sales.
                                                              •   14.8% have less than 20% of their sales from silver

           Graph: Silver Bar Purchasing Patterns              Graph: Contribution of Silver Jewellery Sales to Total Sales

   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39