Page 30 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 7 January 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 7 | July 2024

                  London Principles on Central Bank

                   Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining

                     Domestic Purchase Programmes

                                                              Participating central banks affirm the following
                                                              operating Principles to guide this initiative:

                                                              1.  Legal frameworks, resourcing and
                                                                 transparency: Creating the infrastructure for a
                                                                 successful ASGM DPP provides an opportunity for
                                                                 central banks, and relevant government agencies,
                                                                 to work together in increasing the formalisation
                                                                 of responsible ASGM entities. It is essential that
                                                                 programmes are based on appropriate legal and
              London Principles on Central Bank Artisanal
              Small-scale Gold Mining Domestic Purchase          regulatory powers, adequate resourcing and strong
              Programmes                                         coordination between national and sub-national
                                                                 governmental agencies. The operation of DPPs
              Central bank purchases of gold produced by         should be included in central bank public reporting
              domestic artisanal and small-scale gold miners     and opportunities considered for cooperation with
              (ASGM) in local currency can be a cost-effective
              means of building gold reserves or of acquiring    national Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
              gold for subsequent sale in foreign currency on    processes directed at building public understanding
              international markets. These Domestic Purchase     and accountability.
              Programmes (DPPs) may contribute to financial
              resilience and stability.                       2.  Community wellbeing: DPPs should seek to
                                                                 raise mine health and safety standards and protect
              ASGM is an important source of livelihood in
              many gold-producing countries. But, while some     miners, their families and communities from abusive
              estimates suggest that 15 million people make      labour practices including child labour and forced
              their living from ASGM, the environmental,         labour.
              social and governance (ESG) as well as gender-
              related practices widespread in this sector risk   3.  Mercury reduction: ASGM is the principal source
              perpetuating poverty. Progress in formalisation,   of anthropogenic mercury pollution with grave
              which is key to addressing such practices, has     implications for water, soil and air pollution and
              been limited.
                                                                 human health. DPPs should complement Minamata
              The participants in this initiative believe that   Treaty National Action Plans, support a reduction in
              well-structured ASGM DPPs have the potential to    mercury use and seek to promote the adoption of
              contribute to sustainable development, provide     alternative, environmentally responsible technologies
              a new impetus to formalisation and to raising      for use in ASGM.
              ESG standards. The aim of this initiative will be
              to benefit the livelihoods of responsible small-
              scale miners, the regulation of the sector and the   4.  Due diligence: DPPs should conform with the
              integrity of the gold market.                      framework provided by these Principles and reflect
                                                                 risk-based, international due diligence standards[1],
              The inaugural signatories are Banco de la          designed to prevent the production of, and trade in,
              República (Colombia), Banco Central del            gold from fuelling conflict, funding organised crime
              Ecuador, Bank of Mongolia, and Bangko Sentral      or causing abuses of human rights. Due diligence
              ng Pilipinas.
                                                                 should also cover environmental risks.

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