Page 29 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 7 January 2024
P. 29

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 7 | July 2024

           good delivery bars, though it is not yet enforced or
                                                                Questions and Answers
           certified. The proposed mandatory hallmarking will focus
           on two aspects: having a BIS License and obtaining a   Q: Why is 995 purity allowed for bullion when
                                                                24 Karat is the standard? A: The 995 purity
           good delivery license from BIS for interested refineries.
                                                                standard has historical significance in India, dating
                                                                back to the Gold Control Act and practices at
           Types of Bullion and Hallmarking
           The proposal suggests mandatory hallmarking for bars   government mints. It is widely accepted in the
                                                                market and used by many small-scale refineries.
           weighing 100 grams and above, exempting smaller
           bars below 100 grams in the first phase. However, the
                                                                Q: Is there any exemption for jewellers with
           government is keen on eventually covering all bullion.
           The jewellery hallmarking scheme exempts articles    in-house refining capacities? A: The advisory
                                                                committee is still finalizing the rules. However,
           below 2 grams, and similar exemptions for smaller bullion
           bars might be requested.                             pollution control norms require red category consent
                                                                for refineries, ensuring they meet environmental
           Currently, three types of bullion are available: 995 bullion
           artefacts, 999 bullion bars from BIS licensed refineries,
           and imported good delivery bars. Jewellery hallmarking   Q: Can smaller refineries in tier-two and tier-
                                                                three cities obtain a BIS license? A: Yes, the
           is done by third-party agencies, while bullion hallmarking
           is a product certification scheme by BIS licensed    BIS licensing scheme does not impose financial
                                                                or production capacity restrictions, allowing small
           refineries. These refineries must have a world-class
           laboratory and meet various technical and environmental   refineries to operate under the license.
                                                                Q: What about the trace elements in bullion
                                                                bars? A: Currently, BIS certified bullion bars
           Technical Aspects of Hallmarking
           The hallmarking process involves several parameters:   focus on gold content, but future standards may
                                                                include specifications for trace elements and other
           the BIS logo, weight, purity, refinery's logo or name,
           and a unique traceability number. Unlike jewellery   environmental and sourcing criteria.
           hallmarking, bullion hallmarking does not permit any
           negative tolerance in weight or purity. To ensure    Q: How will the hallmarking process affect
                                                                the availability of bullion in rural areas? A:
           accuracy, refineries often add a small extra amount of
           gold to the bars.                                    The proposal aims to ensure that hallmarking is
                                                                accessible across the country, though there may
                                                                be challenges in rural areas initially. Exemptions for
           For jewellery hallmarking, the permitted tolerance in
                                                                smaller bars may help mitigate this issue.
           repeat testing is 0.05, while for bullion bars, it is 0.02.
           This ensures that a bar stamped at 999 retains its
                                                                Q: What steps are being taken to phase out 995
           minimum purity even after multiple tests.
                                                                purity bullion? A: While 995 purity is still in use, the
                                                                government may introduce measures to phase it out
           The BIS license for refineries is valid for one year and
           requires annual renewal with production details and   over time, aligning with international standards and
                                                                improving overall quality.
           royalty payments. BIS may also conduct random market
           sampling to monitor quality.
                                                                The mandatory hallmarking of bullion is a significant
           Future Considerations
                                                                step towards ensuring standardized quality and
           The India Good Delivery Standard aims to cover not only
           technical parameters but also aspects like responsible   certified products in the Indian bullion market.
                                                                The BIS licensing scheme and the India Good
           sourcing, environmental norms, and trace elements.
           Currently, the standard focuses on purity and weight,   Delivery Standard provide a robust framework for
                                                                assessing and verifying the quality of gold refineries.
           but future iterations may include broader criteria similar
           to those of the LBMA, ensuring comprehensive quality   As the guidelines are finalized and implemented,
                                                                the hallmarking process will enhance trust and
                                                                transparency in the industry, benefiting consumers
                                                                and manufacturers alike.

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