Page 10 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 1 January 2024
P. 10

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January 2024

           adheres to laws and regulations. Additionally, the legal
           representative should draft a comprehensive agreement
           to govern the transaction and protect the interests of all   Export Guidelines for Gold in Ghana:
           parties involved.
                                                                 The Minerals Commission has established
                                                                 procedures governing the export of gold in
           License to Buy and Export Gold
           It is imperative to note that, in Ghana, an individual need   Ghana. These guidelines are applicable to
                                                                 Licensed Gold Exporters (LGE), excluding
           a license to buy and deal with minerals. Therefore, the
           export of gold out of the jurisdiction of Ghana can only   holders of mining leases. Key points include:
           be done under a license by an entity. This is regulated
           under the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703). It
                                                                 1.  LGEs planning to export gold must notify
           provides among others that, the Minister in consultation
           with the Minerals Commission, may in writing license      the Precious Minerals Marketing Company
                                                                     Limited (PMMC) in writing at least two
           people the Minster considers fit, to buy and deal in the
           types and forms of minerals identified under the Act.     working days before the weekly export.
                                                                 2.  The LGE must submit gold ore for assay at

           It must be noted that, under the Act, mineral means a     a designated center, along with declaration
                                                                     documents, a Packing List, and an Invoice.
           substance in solid or liquid form that occurs naturally
           in or on the earth and include gold and diamond but   3.  The PMMC will determine the gold content
                                                                     using an agreed assay method with the
           does not include petroleum resources as the latter
           is under a separate regulation. It is important to note   LGEs and Minerals Commission.
                                                                 4.  The PMMC will issue an analysis report
           further that, the Minister under the Act means the
           Minister responsible for Mines and Natural Resources      to the Bank of Ghana (BOG), the Ghana
                                                                     Revenue Authority Custom Officer, and the
           and reference to Commission means the Minerals
           Commission established under section 1 of the Minerals    Minerals Commission.
                                                                 5.  The PMMC will invoice the LGE for the
           Commission Act, 1993 (Act 450).
                                                                     assay at a rate of 0.1% of the gold value,
                                                                     payable to PMMC, in addition to any
           Legal Representative
           The foreign entity should have access to legal            Minerals Commission fees.
                                                                 6.  Gold Buying Agents of the PMMC may use
           representation before engaging in any gold export
           business in Ghana. Not only will the legal representative   permits until expiry but won't be renewed;
                                                                     new permits must be obtained from the
           conduct due diligence on the Licensed Gold Exporter to
           ascertain that it is in fact licensed and in good standing,   Minerals Commission.
                                                                 7.  The GRA Customs Official at the Assay
           he/she will also be expected to educate and or proffer
           sound professional advice to the foreign entity on any    Centre will inspect and supervise the
                                                                     sealing of assayed gold ore, endorsed on
           changes in the laws and regulations governing the
           purchase and export of gold in Ghana.                     the Customs Declaration Form.
                                                                 8.  The LGE must complete required

           Most importantly, the legal representative shall police   documentation at Kotoka International
                                                                     Airport (KIA) before exporting assayed
           the processes leading to the purchase and export of the
           gold to ensure that the precise ounces and the required   gold.
                                                                 9.  Gold ore cannot be exported without seals
           purity of the mineral are shipped from the Republic to
           its intended recipient. This timely legal advice must be   from the Customs Division, PMMC, and
                                                                     accompanying full documentation.
           obtained from a lawyer with knowledge and working
           experience in the gold trading business in Ghana      10.  LGEs must submit monthly returns to the
                                                                     Minerals Commission as per their license
           The Legal Representative shall also be responsible for
           the formulation, and the drafting of an agreement to      agreements.
                                                                 11.  A 1.5% Withholding Tax applies to all
           govern the transaction before any transfer of funds shall
           be effected for payments. This eventually will help to    exports, along with other statutory fees.
           secure the interest of the parties to the transaction and
           ensure that their reasonable expectation is meet at the
           end of the day.

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