Page 5 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 1 January 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January 2024
The Federal Reserve's year-end meeting maintained steady
interest rates, signalling a potential end to the era of rate
hikes. However, market murmurs suggest a looming shift
EDITORIAL in inflation outlook, paving the way for early-year rate
cuts. This juncture holds significance for gold, historically
thriving in lower-rate environments. Despite gold's
Dear Readers, commendable performance in 2023 amidst higher rates,
market consensus anticipates its true ascent when the
As we bid farewell to a year that witnessed the yellow Federal Reserve reverses course. Key factors influencing
metal's resilience amid financial upheavals and global this trajectory include the strength or weakness of the US
tensions, the spotlight now turns to the horizon of dollar, inflation trends, and resulting levels of real interest
2024 for gold investors. In the intricate dance between rates. As we approach 2024, gold's journey remains poised
geopolitical events, economic indicators, and central bank on the brink of intrigue, navigating economic policies,
decisions, what lies ahead for the precious metal that has global events, and market sentiment. Amidst uncertainty,
both glittered and weathered storms? gold continues to assert itself as a haven for investors,
offering potential opportunities in the yet-to-be-written
The first half of the year saw gold edging towards a new chapters of the New Year.
record, driven by the looming shadows of a banking
crisis. By the second half, the escalation of conflict in the In this edition of Bullion World, our readers are in for a rich
Middle East further propelled gold to unprecedented and varied experience as we explore a spectrum of articles.
heights. Interestingly, despite the conventional wisdom Mr David kicks things off with a comprehensive overview
that high-interest rates spell trouble for gold, 2023 defied of the legal and regulatory intricacies of exporting gold
expectations. The precious metal reached a new pinnacle of from Ghana. Following this, DGCX and Rand Refinery each
over US$2,150 per ounce in early December, showcasing its offer separate articles, with Mr Praveen Baijnath from Rand
ability to shine even in challenging economic landscapes. Refinery elaborated on the concept of RandPure. The
Commodity Fund's Mr Willem Middelkoop shares valuable
The protagonist in this unfolding drama is undoubtedly insights into the accumulation of gold at central banks,
the US Federal Reserve. Proclaiming three rate cuts on while Baker Steel and Ms Soni Kumari contribute individual
the horizon for 2024, the Federal Reserve holds the reins articles, offering distinct perspectives on the fundamental
to the narrative. The timing and extent of these rate cuts outlook of gold. Mr Prithviraj Kothari provides a write-up
remain contingent on incoming data, but if 2023 is any on the future prospects of Gold and Silver. We also feature
indication, expectations alone can have a significant an exclusive interview with Mr Kushal Thaker, the author
impact on the gold market. As central banks contemplate of "Be Rich with Specunomics."Bringing this edition to a
policy adjustments and yields potentially move lower, the close, Eventell Global's in-house team provides a technical
question arises: Can gold see significant gains in 2024? outlook for precious metals, ensuring a well-rounded
exploration of the dynamic world of gold.
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