Page 15 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 08 September 2022
P. 15

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 09 | September 2022

           1. Gold demand is always inelastic-    aimed at curbing gold imports   incentivize gold smuggling, leading
           The average  monthly import of    2. Gold supply is always elastic-if   to additional demand for USD in
           gold for domestic consumption is   there are supply side restrictions   the hawala market, resulting in the
           around 60-70 tonnes and another   like 80:20 rule for gold imports,   appreciation of USD/ depreciation
           15-20 tonnes of import for export   logistic constraints etc, domestic   of INR, arising from the higher
           purposes Often,  during the 6     gold price premiums may go up,    demand for dollar from unofficial
           months of  festival and marriage   and the shortage in supply is offset   channels.
           season - of April –May, Sept –    by higher supply from unofficial
           October &, December –January,     channels and grey market, that    4. The only practical solution to
           the import of gold goes upto above   is to say, supply is always elastic,   bring down gold imports and
           100 tonnes per month, whereas     shortages are taken care of by non   forex payments is to encourage
           in the  remaining 6 off season    official channels as well, to meet   recirculation of domestic/ house
           months, import comes down to      the highly inelastic demand of 750   hold gold holdings estimated to
           10-20 tonnes per month, taking the   tonnes of gold per annum.      be more than 25,000 tonnes.
           monthly average imports to 60-70                                    Out of this 25,000 tonnes, atleast
           tonnes per month. Such being the   3. High import duties incentivize   1/3rd is of investment type coins,
           case, extrapolating or interpreting    smuggling, also depreciates the   bars and jewellery that can easily
           a particular months high gold     INR-When the  official import duties   be  mobilized for GMS deposits,
           imports as a quantum jump  in gold   are increased to curb gold imports   provided there is a comfortable
           consumption is a wrong inference   or  to arrest the dollar outflow for   ecosystem for monetizing /
           and shall not be a plank / reasoning   gold and worsening CAD, as a   depositing this old gold, which is
           / criteria  to raise import duty,   corollary, these high import duties    listed as below:

                      GMS 2015 -  problem areas in mobilizing domestic gold  for recirculation /deposits
                                                     /gold metal loans

            No     Problem areas in GMS gold deposits            Suggestions to incentivize GMS deposits

            1      Depositors are ready for deposits under the   Govt shall fix a deadline to develop and
                   GMS 2015. But banks are not ready to accept   operate the GMS portal; without an inter bank
                   GMS deposits, even after 7 years              gold transfer mechanism under the GMS portal,
                                                                 GMS cannot be operated, nor can the collected
                   There is no software for GMS portal. Govt has   gold from a bank be deployed by another bank at
                   entrusted State Bank to develop the Gms portal   another location
                   software, but there seems to be no updates about
                   the GMS software.                             Govt shall fix a deadline for the banks to
                                                                 appoint nodal officer in every state to operate
                   Even now one bank is comfortably mobilizing old   the GMS :
                   gold deposits from temples and institutions under   Presently none of the bank staff in local branches
                   the old GDS of 1998, and hence not bothered   is aware of GMS, there is no contact person in
                   about the new GMS 2015. They bypass / avoid     the bank to arrange the execution of biparty /
                   the GMS agents of multiple banks, gold refineries,  triparty agreements with gold refineries, cptcs and
                   Cptcs and BIS licensed jewellers, whose vast net   jewellers, let alone giving information to willing
                   work could have collected several hundred tonnes  GMS gold depositors
                   of old gold,  as against the 16 tonnes mobilized by
                   this bank in all these 24 years               Govt shall instruct that each bank shall have tie
                                                                 up/ executive agreement with minimum 3 gold
                                                                 refineries 10 cptcs and 50 licensed jewellers
                                                                 in every state: presently   these stake holders
                                                                 are chasing the banks for tie up, but banks are
                                                                 ignoring /leaving them  in the lurch., unaware that
                                                                 only such a vast network of collection agents can
                                                                 mobilize gold deposits from the public.

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