Page 11 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 08 September 2022
P. 11

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 09 | September 2022

                 Ms Eshana Mukherjee
              Research Associate, ICRIER     trade with the UAE, strength of our   for imports were Switzerland, UAE,

                                             competitors, and how India can    USA, Hong Kong, and Belgium,
           gemstones’, India has offered     enhance its export competitiveness.   which together accounted for 67.8
           phased tariff reduction. Over a 10-  India is a key player in global gems   percent of the total jewellery import
           year period, the current effective rate  and jewellery trade. With a rank   in 2021-22.
           of 7.5 percent will be reduced to 0   of 6 globally and exports worth
           percent, for these subcategories of   USD38.16 billion in 2021, India   The share of UAE in India’s gems
           jewellery. Being a major importer   accounted for 5.31 percent of the   and jewellery trade (exports and
           of ‘unwrought gold’ (HS code      total global exports of gems and   imports) is thus significant. With a
           71081200) and ‘unset/unworked     jewellery. By product categories,   share of 12.61 percent in India’s
           diamonds’ (HS code 71023100),     in the same year, India was the top   jewellery exports, UAE was the third
           India reduced the tariff imposed on   most exporter of ‘cut and polished   largest export destination of India
           these goods. While for ‘unwrought   diamonds’ (HS code 710239), with   in 2021-22. Exports increased from
           gold’ imports, India offered tariff   a share of 35.7 percent in the global   USD2773.7 million in 2020-21 to
           relief of one percent in absolute   exports, second-largest exporter of   USD4953.11 million in 2021-22.
           percentage terms and imposed a    ‘plain and studded silver jewellery’   Of the total jewellery exported to
           tariff rate quota of 200 tonnes over   (HS code 711311), with share of   UAE, ‘gold jewellery’ (HS code
           5 years. The lower import duties on   24.7 percent, and the fourth largest   711319) accounted for over 55
           raw materials are expected to help   exporter of ‘plain and studded gold   percent of the exports, followed by
           in lowering the cost of production,   jewellery’ (HS code 711319) with   ‘cut and polished diamonds’ (HS
           improve the competitiveness of    a share of 10.7 percent. There has   code 710239), at 33 percent. The
           manufacturing and boost exports.   been an overall increase in exports   jewellery exports to the UAE have
           The UAE can be used as a base to   as global trade recovers from the   seen a decline in 2020-21 (see
           cater to third country markets like   pandemic induced disruptions -   Figure 1). Apart from supply chain
           Africa. However, the overall benefits   the export value increased by 50   disruptions, high import duty in the
           of this agreement will depend upon   percent between 2020-21 to 2021-  UAE, increasing competition from
           enhancing export competitiveness   22. Over 84 percent of the exports   Turkey, in the ‘light weight gold
           and value addition in the country.   from India were accounted by five   jewellery’ segment, withdrawal of
                                             export destinations namely, the   fiscal incentives given to SEZs and
           India’s Gems and Jewellery Trade and   United States of America (USA),   uncertainty of the SEZ policy has
           the UAE                           Hong Kong, UAE, Belgium and       been cited as some of the reasons
           To understand the benefits of the   Israel. India is a net importer of gems   for fall in exports by Indian firms,
           CEPA with the UAE for the gems    and jewellery and had a negative   during a survey conducted by the
           and jewellery sector, it is important   trade balance of USD42395 million   authors in 2021.
           to examine India’s global trade,   in 2021-22. The top five destination

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