Page 15 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 12 December 2022
P. 15

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 12 | December 2022

              Gold has maintained its value   If we can solve these issues, Gold   Bitrue Exchanges. These tokens
              from ages as against other     can come back to the world again as   are priced at the prevailing rate
              currencies.                    a preferred investment of choice and   for gold on international markets.
                                             an alternative currency. This is where  CGO offers complete transparency
           Regardless of investors reasons for   Technology and the actual use of   wherein a reputed auditing firm
           investing, Gold always has its shines   blockchain comes into play.   conducts regular audits to match
           since our ancestral days and still                                  the outstanding supply of CGO
           continues to lure its investors.   To optimize the benefits of Digital   tokens and gives an audit report by
                                             Gold with the security of physical   the custodian about the physical
           If Gold is so important, then why was   Gold, we have introduced Comtech   quantity of gold, ensuring that the
           it replaced by a paper currency?   Gold (CGO) which is a revolution in   reserve of physical gold matches
                                             the bullion industry offering investors   the outstanding supply of CGO
           Here comes the important question   access to physical Gold in a    tokens. All these Audited reports
           about fungibility, transferability,   tokenized form which can be bought,   are available on the Comtech gold
           security, and quality.            sold, and held by investors through   website to maintain full transparency.
                                             their digital wallet.
           •   Small and Retail Investors are
                                                                               To summarise it, Comtech Gold
              the second largest group of gold
                                             The investors get purchasing rights   makes investment in Gold easy,
              owners however their purchases
                                             to real physical gold stored in secure   secured and fungible thereby
              of gold are impacted due to
                                             vaults. This eliminates storage and   removing the inefficiency of Physical
              security and storage issues with
                                             transport issues and is instantly   Gold making it an ideal investment
              physical gold being hard to store
                                             accessible on a distributed ledger.   option to all Investors.
              and transport.
                                             Digital Golds are easy to carry
           •   Traditional gold purchases have
                                             and move around and available
              added premiums as high as
                                             24/7 for trade across the globe.
              10% to 20% when sold through
                                             The settlement happens instantly
              retailers as the investor has to
                                             in less than a minute. CGO is built
              pay extra in the form of Premium
                                             on the XDC Network, the world’s
              in pricing, making charges and
                                             first hybrid blockchain. Each CGO
              production fees.
                                             token is 100% backed by physical
           •   The costs for purchasing
                                             gold through the DMCC Tradeflow
              high-end jewellery can
                                             warrants that carries its own audit
              even go significantly higher
                                             trail of its transactions. ComTech
              depending on the required
                                             Gold is a fully Shariah Complaint
              work. Comparatively, investing
                                             product, making it the first token of
              in Digital Gold involves only
                                             its kind and suitable for investors
              the investment cost without
                                             looking for shariah compliant
              manufacturing costs.
           Many of the Digital Gold products
                                             One CGO represents one pure
           in the market lack actual backing of
                                             gram of gold that is fully backed,
           Gold and only offer price hedging.
                                             redeemable, and regulated. Gold
           Most of these product offerings
                                             comes in a standardized 1 kg bar
           are not regulated and work on the
                                             of 999.9 purity from internationally
           element of trust with your local
                                             recognized refineries. These physical
           broker or Jewellery shop.
                                             gold bars are stored separately
                                             from other gold in the secured
           All of this makes purchasing Physical
                                             internationally accepted TransGuard
           Gold expensive and less fungible
                                             vaults and traded on leading global
           and difficult to own.
                                             exchanges Bitmart, LBank and

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