Page 10 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 12 December 2022
P. 10

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 12 | December 2022

           CBDC and gold and jewellery trade in   to anonymity but because they   Conclusion
           India                                keep the family tradition of   The Bahamas, the first to roll out the
           In a country where cash still        buying from their trusted family   CBDC, has adopted a three-tiered
           dominates the gold and jewellery     jeweller.                      anonymity approach. The first-tier
           trade, it is natural to have some   3.  Cash is still the king when it   transactions of a small amount ($500
           apprehensions about how the CBDC     comes to buying gold & jewellery   with an overall $1,500 a month) held
           will impact the gold and jewellery   at the retail level. As per WGC   in the wallets are not under any kind
           trade. A lot depends on the design   estimates, cash accounted for   of regulatory scrutiny. The next tier,
           choice and the degree of anonymity   about 67% of gold purchases    up to $10,000 monthly, requires an
           on the rollout of CBDC. The following   in 2018 and 2019. However, it   official ID. Transactions above that
           points, however, merit consideration:  will not be fair to assume that   threshold require the highest degree
                                                majority of the cash transactions   of disclosure. China has also adopted
           1.  Currently, there are reporting   in gold and jewellery happen   a similar approach of 'controllable
              requirements for high-value       due to anonymity. A large      anonymity".
              transactions under the Income     percentage of these transactions
              Tax Act and PMLA under FATF       are not reflective of unaccounted   "ANONYMITY FOR SMALL
              guidance. Gold transactions       transactions. A GST-paid invoice   VALUE AND TRACEABLE FOR
              over Rupees two lacs require      backs a bulk of cash purchases   HIGH VALUE,"
              furnishing the buyer's PAN card   happening at large retail stores.
              under rule 114B of the Income     The cash purchases in the rural   One key challenge for all Central
              Tax Act. If the threshold limit for   markets are on account of their   Banks in implementing CBDC is
              transaction disclosure remains    cash earnings from agriculture,   due to no precedence and the
              the same, nothing changes         which is tax-exempt in any case.  requirement of extensive stakeholder
              for gold and jewellery trading   4.  As things stand now, the    consultation and managing
              transactions within this limit.   Central Banks across the globe,   expectations. A larger challenge
           2.  The size of the organised        including RBI, seem to be in sync   will be on the retail side, where
              jewellery trade has been on the   with the idea of implementing   behavioral changes are required
              rise consistently over the years.   a CBDC, which is not intended   from individual holders of the
              The WGC report suggested that     to eliminate physical cash     CBDC. Like other failed schemes
              the share of chain stores in the   altogether. Unless there is an   like the Gold Monetization Scheme,
              jewellery trade rose to around    extreme change in the thinking   retail CBDC will fail unless the
              35% in 2021. It is pertinent to   process backed by a solid      behavioral change requirements are
              note that many buyers opting      reason to choose the extreme   addressed and managed through
              to purchase from stand-alone      design form, there is not likely to   appropriate interventions. Without
              stores are not transacting due    be any negative impact on the   these interventions, adoption will not
                                                                               happen or will happen in a timeframe
                                                gold market.
                                                                               that makes the rollout ineffective at
           Over the last decade, the retail   5.  There is also the potential   best and a complete failure at worst.
           jewellery market has undergone       impact of the CBDC on the      Regarding India's gold trade, some
           a notable shift, driven by           cash flow cycle of the jewellers.   degree of short-term impact on gold
           changes in consumer behaviour        The current gold movement      and jewelry trading cannot be ruled
           and government regulations           mechanism between the foreign   out based on the design and the
           designed to encourage the            exporter, nominated agency, and   extent of the transactions covered
           industry to become more              the jeweller is based on a credit   under CBDC. However, any kind
           organized .                          system that could become wholly   of transparency in the trade has
                                                                               long-term benefits for the overall
                                                                               development of the trade. It will
           2  facilitate achieving the objectives of
                                                                               gold's financialization.
          3 Reserve Bank of India - Reports.

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