Page 14 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 12 December 2022
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 12 | December 2022
The Era of Digital Gold – ComTech Gold
Mr Navin Dsouza, Co-Founder & CEO
Comtech Gold makes What makes Gold so important and
investment in Gold easy, why do people invest in Gold?
secured and fungible,
thereby removing the People invest in Gold for multiple
inefficiency of Physical reason, some of them are: -
• Gold is considered as an
effective hedge against
Gold is a precious metal bought by
inflation. The US dollar has
people across the world for variety
lost approximately 97% of its
of reasons, often influenced by
purchasing power in relation to
social & cultural factors, market
the gold in the past 50 years,
conditions, geopolitical and macro-
since the United States went
economic drivers. The history of
off the gold standard in 1971
gold is long connected with money,
(LBMA, 2018). The euro has lost Mr Navin Dsouza
but gold relinquished this role in
over 75% of its value on a gold
developed economies after the
basis since the single European
outbreak of the Second World War.
currency debuted in 1999
At the end of the war, the Bretton
(LBMA, 2018).
Woods monetary system, a regime
• Gold is an important allocation To optimize the
of fixed exchange rates, was
as part of the portfolio
created. This system broke down benefits of Digital Gold
diversification and a must in
in 1971 when the US unilaterally with the security of
every portfolio. The portfolio
ended its gold standard, which set
managers always ask their physical Gold, we have
the convertibility of gold and the
investors to have some of their
dollar to US$35 per ounce. introduced Comtech
holdings in Gold.
• Gold has been seen to Gold (CGO) which
Despite this fact, the demand for
outperform during the times is a revolution in the
gold has been stable for the several
of Geopolitical Uncertainty. Its
years, and the second largest group bullion industry offering
price often rises the most when
of gold owners are Small Investors. investors access to
China and India consume almost confidence in the governments
is low. physical Gold in a
60% of the world's gold & jewellery
• It has a strong stored value as
every year. tokenized form which
can be bought, sold,
and held by investors
through their digital