Page 29 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 5 May 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | May 2024

           commercial considerations. Following the World Gold   GDL Refiners to report the origin of gold extracted from
           Council's decision for member Refiners to disclose   host material, even if from countries without operational
           refining partners, GDL Refiners will reciprocally disclose   mines. LBMA ensures thorough scrutiny of reported data
           with mining partners. LBMA seeks clarity from the OECD   and seeks input on additional data points for RGG 10.
           on implementing Footnote 59 of the Gold Supplement to
           the OECD Guidance, proposing a moderated session at   Governance and Awareness Raising:
           the upcoming OECD Forum to address interpretations.   LBMA launched the ASM Initiative two years ago to
           Collaboration in advancing this discussion at the forum is   address governance challenges in the artisanal and
           welcomed.                                          small-scale mining (ASM) sector, aiming to bring
                                                              responsibly produced ASM material into legitimate
           Assurance Programme                                markets. The ASM Toolkit, released at a recent summit,
           A robust and independent assurance program is pivotal   supports due diligence assessments for GDL Refiners
           to the credibility of the Responsible Sourcing Program   and ASM suppliers, aligning with OECD guidance
           (RSP). LBMA introduced Responsible Gold Guidance   and allowing for progressive improvement over time.
           version 9 (RGG v.9) in 2021, accompanied by additional   LBMA acknowledges the need for continued progress
           policies to bolster the assurance process. RGG v.9   and invites support from industry stakeholders and
           brought significant changes, such as eliminating cash   local authorities. Recognizing the attraction of gold
           transactions except for Artisanal and Small-scale Mining   to criminal networks, LBMA consistently enhances
           (ASM), clarifying material origin, and enhancing due   governance measures, evidenced by the RGG's
           diligence processes. It also mandated conformance with   continual evolution with approximately 40 additional
           Disclosure Guidance and introduced a 10-year rotation   pages of requirements in RGG9. The Sourcing Advisory,
           for assurance providers.                           issued in January 2024, highlights sourcing risks and
                                                              encourages Refiners to remain vigilant. LBMA remains
           LBMA is committed to continuous improvement, with   committed to addressing sourcing vulnerabilities and
           RGG v.10 under development, including a review of   seeks to add ASM capabilities while welcoming input
           supporting tools and consideration of feedback on   from civil society organizations. Adverse reports are
           community and worker engagement disclosure. The    thoroughly investigated, with significant incidents publicly
           training program for Assurance Providers (APs) has   announced and addressed through LBMA's Compliance
           been strengthened, with LBMA bringing training in-house  Panel.
           and increasing the pass threshold to 80%. Assurance
           provider rotation every 10 years promotes independence   Looking forward
           and audit quality, aligning with global best practices and   We greatly value your input and assure you that your
           EU regulations. While LBMA acknowledges the need for   recommendations will be carefully considered during
           more assurance providers to support a shorter rotation   the review and drafting of RGG10 next year, particularly
           period, it remains open to addressing capacity issues in   in the context of the Good Delivery Brand. Some
           collaboration with other audit programs.           of your suggestions, such as disclosing payments
                                                              to governments under the Extractive Industries
           Origin of Gold:                                    Transparency Initiative (EITI), are already integrated into
           RGG9 introduced stricter due diligence measures for   the existing RGG. We fully endorse the idea of improved
           recycled gold, requiring GDL Refiners to ensure their   engagement between Refiners and civil society to gain
           high-risk suppliers undergo OECD-aligned assurance.   a deeper understanding of the local contexts from
           LBMA plans to refine these requirements based on future  which they source. We welcome further opportunities to
           experiences and align its definition of recycled gold with   collaborate on areas of shared interest or concern and
           the ongoing ISO 21261 Working Group discussions    to explore constructive and pragmatic ways to enhance
           on product claims. Clarifying definitions remains a   the RGG. Thank you once again for your letter to LBMA,
           priority for RGG 10 development, especially regarding   and we eagerly await your response on how we can work
           the distinction between secondary material for due   together to advance more responsible business conduct
           diligence and recycled material for product claims. LBMA  in the global precious metals market.
           emphasizes the criticality of due diligence on recycled
           gold, equivalent to that on ASM supplies, and requires

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