Page 45 - Bullion world volume 4 issue 6 june 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2024

                                  Bullion - Data & Statistics

                                            LBMA Gold & Silver Price (Per Troy Ounce)
                                 GOLD AM                  GOLD PM                               SILVER

             DATE        USD AM    GBP AM  EUR AM  USD PM   GBP PM   EUR PM       DATE     USD     GBP     EUR
             05-01-2024   2288.50  1832.40  2144.78  2302.35  1843.72  2155.23  05-01-2024  26.48  21.21  24.82
             05-02-2024   2300.55  1838.60  2150.78  2288.85  1833.83  2143.51  05-02-2024  26.24  20.97  24.51
             05-03-2024   2301.10  1831.68  2141.63  2294.45  1828.45  2131.09  05-03-2024  26.50  21.10  24.67

             05-07-2024   2315.00  1846.21  2152.02  2319.60  1846.87  2151.43  05-07-2024  27.26  21.73  25.31
             05-08-2024   2308.55  1849.61  2147.87  2309.05  1850.47  2147.42  05-08-2024  27.24  21.79  25.33
             05-09-2024   2308.70  1850.42  2151.94  2325.70  1860.09  2159.65  05-09-2024  27.63  22.18  25.74
             05-10-2024   2371.05  1891.62  2198.20  2372.45  1893.22  2200.21  05-10-2024  28.64  22.85  26.57

             05-13-2024   2340.30  1867.79  2170.39  2343.80  1865.43  2169.42  05-13-2024  28.13  22.44  26.09
             05-14-2024   2347.40  1872.29  2175.81  2354.85  1871.87  2176.82  05-14-2024  28.43  22.64  26.33
             05-15-2024   2371.80  1879.41  2190.36  2357.50  1868.08  2175.27  05-15-2024  28.82  22.86  26.62
             05-16-2024   2383.65  1881.65  2192.96  2377.40  1879.33  2189.35  05-16-2024  29.67  23.42  27.29

             05-17-2024   2381.75  1882.77  2196.69  2402.60  1894.69  2212.79  05-17-2024  29.68  23.46  27.38
             05-20-2024   2444.35  1924.19  2249.05  2420.30  1905.02  2227.64  05-20-2024  31.80  25.03  29.25
             05-21-2024   2417.05  1900.53  2222.72  2427.30  1909.56  2237.24  05-21-2024  31.64  24.88  29.11

             05-22-2024   2414.25  1897.36  2226.18  2407.90  1889.96  2222.25  05-22-2024  31.82  25.00  29.36
             05-23-2024   2361.80  1857.79  2179.00  2357.35  1853.11  2174.89  05-23-2024  30.54  24.00  28.16
             05-24-2024   2339.75  1840.68  2160.53  2342.70  1841.36  2159.74  05-24-2024  30.59  24.05  28.22
             05-28-2024   2344.70  1836.60  2156.89  2350.65  1839.85  2164.24  05-28-2024  31.56  24.69  29.01

           Disclaimer: All references to LBMA Gold Price are used with the permission of ICE Benchmark Administration Limited and have been provided
            for informational purposes only. ICE Benchmark Administration Limited accepts no liability or responsibility for the accuracy of the prices or
                                       the underlying product to which the prices may be referenced.

            LBMA Silver Price (“Benchmark”) is owned by The London Bullion Market Association (“LBMA”), calculated by CME Benchmark Europe Ltd.
                              (“CMEBEL”) and administered by Thomson Reuters Benchmark Services Ltd. (“TRBSL”).
            None of LBMA, CMEBEL, TRBSL, their group companies, nor any of their or their group companies’ respective directors, officers, employees
           or agents (collectively the “Disclaiming Parties”) shall be liable in respect of the accuracy or the completeness of the Benchmark or the market
           data related thereto (“Market Data”) and none of the disclaiming parties shall have any liability for any errors, omissions, delays or interruptions
                                             in providing the Benchmark or market data.

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