Page 10 - Bullion World Volume 04 Issue 08 August 2023
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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 8 | August 2023

           a crucial role in ensuring the purity   Looking Ahead: Gold Demand in   mainstream asset. Over the next
           and authenticity of gold products.   India's Economic Trajectory    five years, India's gold market can
           To enhance transparency in the    As the second-largest consumer of   expect to witness innovations in
           gold market and protect consumers   gold globally, India's economic growth  investment products and jewellery,
           from fraudulent practices, the Indian   and evolving demographics hold   driven by digital trends, technology
           government made hallmarking       significant implications for the future   integration, and the rise of bullion
           mandatory for gold jewellery and   of gold demand. Rising income levels,   banking. As stakeholders unite to
           artifacts starting from June 2021.  a young and growing population,   ensure a progressive gold industry,
                                             and increasing urbanisation act   India's journey with gold is poised for
           Mandatory hallmarking is a        as catalysts for potential demand   transformation, shining brightly as a
           significant reform that benefits   growth. However, the gold market   crucial component of the country's
           all stakeholders in the gold value   also faces challenges, such as   economic trajectory in the years to
           chain. It provides assurance to   declining household savings and   come.
           consumers about the purity of the   evolving consumer preferences.
           gold they purchase, building trust                                  India's love for gold continues
           and confidence in the industry. For   The expanding working-age     to reflect its cultural, social, and
           gold retailers and manufacturers,   population, coupled with improved   economic significance. As the
           it encourages adherence to quality   infrastructure and rising rural   nation embraces the future,
           standards, thereby improving their   incomes, could drive sustained   the gold industry must navigate
           reputation and attracting more    growth and increase gold demand.   through evolving dynamics to meet
           customers. Moreover, it promotes   Furthermore, government initiatives to  the demands of consumers and
           fair competition, as all players are   boost non-farming rural incomes may   investors alike. Hallmarking and the
           required to meet the same quality   further bolster gold consumption.  establishment of a Self-Regulatory
           standards.                                                          Organisation for gold industry stand
                                             Inflation has historically had a strong   as pivotal reforms, shaping the gold
           Another crucial initiative to regulate   positive correlation with gold demand   value chain in India and paving the
           and standardise the gold value    in India. As a hedge against inflation,   way for a sustainable and responsible
           chain in India is the establishment   gold is perceived as a safe store of   industry. By embracing transparency,
           of a Self-Regulatory Organisation   value. The recent rise in inflation due   best practices, and consumer trust,
           (SRO). The SRO, backed by industry   to increased food and fuel prices may   India's gold industry can achieve
           stakeholders, will oversee various   fuel demand for gold as investors   global prominence and prosperity for
           aspects of the gold value chain,   seek to protect their wealth.    all stakeholders involved. As India's
           and play a pivotal role in ensuring                                 economic trajectory unfolds, gold's
           industry participants adhere to   Government policies, particularly   allure will continue to shine brightly,
           the Codes of Conduct formulated   related to import duties, significantly   enriching lives and reflecting the
           under the Swarna Adarsh Abhiyaan   impact gold demand and influence   nation's unwavering reverence for this
           (SAA) initiative led by the World   India's trade balance. High import   precious metal.
           Gold Council.  The SAA, specifically   duties have led to a rise in unofficial
           designed to cater to India's unique   or "grey" market trading, hindering
           gold market, aims to promote best   the growth of the mainstream gold
           practices and consumer trust.     market. Lowering tax rates and
           The envisioned SRO presents an    improving trust through measures
           opportunity for India's gold industry   such as mandatory hallmarking
           to strengthen standards and bolster   can combat the unofficial market
           consumer confidence. By leveraging   and increase gold's appeal as an
           strengths, adhering to best practices,   investment asset.
           and proving its worth, the Indian gold
           industry can cement its position as a   The introduction of bullion banking
           global leader in the gold market. With   and mandatory hallmarking are
           Industry’s support SRO for the Indian   crucial steps towards transparency,
           gold industry could become a reality   safeguarding consumers' interests,
           in the near future.               and bolstering gold's position as a

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