Page 8 - Bullion World Volume 04 Issue 08 August 2023
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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 8 | August 2023

           IBJA’s Major Achievements of 104 Years

           “India Bullion and Jewellers         Notification.
           Association Limited” (IBJA)       4.  Free Membership of 20000
           formerly known as “The Bombay        Jewellers.
           Bullion Association Limited”      5.  Free entry for all IBJA Seminar/
           (BBA) is established in 1919 and     Conferences.
           now 104-year-old Association of   6.  Highest Number of Members in
           Bullion Dealers and Jewellers. The   industry.
           association was formed as a Limited   7.  Part of all Gold Meeting
           Guarantee Company for the benefit    and committee of Gold of
           of Gold Bullion & Jewellery Industry.  Government at Ministry of
                                                Finance, Ministry of Commerce,
           IBJA is the only Reserve Bank of     Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Niti
           India recognized Association in      Aayog etc.
           India that can provide 30 days    8.  IBJA Offices in 29 States.
           “Opening and Closing Market       9.  Approval of IBJA rates for all
           Rates” to Commercial Banks, all      Government agency like GST,
           Urban Cooperative Banks and          Income tax, custom, DRI.              Mr Surendra Mehta
           NBFC for purpose of lending       10. IBJA's Maximum Presence on    27. IBJA Skill development classes
           against Gold Jewellery. Reserve      Media.                            approved by Govt with IIG.
           Bank of India has issued various   11. IBJA's Unique Zero Cost Zaveri   28. RBI approval for Bank
           notification in this regard.         Bazaar Festival.                  acceptance of India Good
                                             12. IBJA on all major social Media   delivery Gold.
           We were also part of Niti Ayog       platform along with various    29. Approval of Silver ETF by SEBI.
           Committee on “Transformation of      website.                       30. IBJA bulletin every 15 days.
           Gold Market” and also convenor    13. IBJA's Free entry of Members   31. IBJA'S Bullion Refinery at Gift
           of Domestic Council for Gems         at India International Bullion    city with appx. Investment of
           and Jewellery set up by Ministry     Summit (IIBS).                    Rs.150 crore.
           of Commerce. We are also Part of   14. IBJA's CSR activities like   32. IBJA'S Gems & Jewellry Park at
           SEBI’s committee for setting up of   Jewellers Fight Corona,           Navi Mumbai spread across 87
           Domestic Gold Spot exchange in the   Ambulance services and many       acre with appx. Investment of
           country. IBJA represents Ministry    more.                             Rs. 20,000 Core.
           of Finance, Ministry of Commerce,   15. IBJA's camera security system   33. IBJA'S Golden Girl Award
           Reserve Bank of India, Consumer      in Asia's largest market Zaveri   for most upcoming Woman
           Affairs Ministry etc. for issues related   Bazaar.                     entrepreneurs.
           to our bullion and jewellery industry.   16. IBJA's first ever Silver Trade   34. IBJA’s Artisan upliftment
           We are closely working with world    Show.                             programme for giving Award to
           gold council & MCX, BSE and NSE   17. IBJA's "GYAN" series webinars &   Artisan.
           etc. for setting up Domestic Gold    "GYAN PURTI" seminars.         35. IBJA’s B2C scheme to promote
           exchange. We are also part of     18. IBJA Times (Digital) Magazine.   sale through GST Registered
           MCX and NSE and BSE for product   19. Approval of India Good Delivery   dealers.
           advisory practices.                  for Bullion.                   36. IBJA’s intervention in TRQ
                                             20. Approval of India International   scheme under UAE-CEPA
           Major Achievements:                  Bullion Exchange at Gift City.    agreement.
           1.  Approval of IBJA Gold rate    21. Approval of Domestic Bullion   37. IBJA’s intervention in removing
              for Scheduled /rural/urban        exchange by Ministry of Finance   stamp duty on Gold in State of
              bank against Jewellery loan as    and SEBI.                         Maharashtra.
              per RBI & Ministry of Finance   22. Approval of Launch of Option on   38. IBJA’s intervention in stopping
              Notification.                     Goods through exchange.           Gold Jewellery from FTA
           2.  Approval of IBJA Gold rate for   23. Formation of IBJA's Subsidiary   countries for level playing field.
              NBC against Jewellery loan as     "World Silver Council".        39. IBJA’s intervention in stopping
              per RBI & Ministry of Finance   24. Approval of Revamped Gold       Gold Dore from least developed
              Notification.                     Metal Loan scheme.                countries for level playing field.
           3.  Approval of IBJA Gold rate    25. IBJA Daily Recommended Retail   40. IBJA’s intervention in increasing
              for Sovereign Gold Bond as        price.                            import duty on platinum.
              per RBI & Ministry of Finance   26. IBJA's Daily Bullion Report.

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