Page 10 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 4 April 2023
P. 10

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 4 | April 2023

                                             as an effective tool to review large   Mr Cappellini explained in the
                                             amounts of data generated daily in   session that the target is to replace
                                             most laboratories.                – wherever possible – melting
                                                                               operations with mechanical
                                             Delegates’ Choice: Refining       processes until the final casting,
                                             The third session of the Conference   reducing dramatically the power
                                             was dedicated to refining and     consumption and the carbon
                                             was voted the delegates’ favourite   footprint for each bar produced,
                                             session. It was moderated by      while increasing safety and work
                                             Michael B. Mooiman (Franklin      conditions for the operators.
                                             University and Argo Associates),
                                             and papers were presented by Chris   In recent years we’ve seen demand
                                             Walne (Pressman Mastermelt),      growing for small size cast bars, from
                                             Enrico Cappellini and Giovanni Faoro   1oz up to 15kg. Starting from Good
                                             (IKOI S.p.A), Simone Frigerio and   Delivery bars, traditional technology
                                             Stefano Ghiringhelli (Argor-Heraeus),  requires a metallurgic transformation
                                             Elton Cupido (Rand Refinery PTY   from bars into grain, that is the
                                             Ltd), and Giovanni Calabria (MKS   starting material for the final product.
                  Mr Jonathan Jodry          PAMP SA).                         Otherwise, the proposed process
                                                                               is based on a combination of
                                             Reclamation                       technologies: the first one to shred
           His top ranked presentation gave   Chris Walne’s presentation provided   Good Delivery bars into shavings
           examples with data that were used   the audience with an expert insight   (instead of melting and casting)
           to ensure methods were measuring   into precious metals reclamation,   that are fed into a compacting
           what was intended with the required   and how to maximise the monetary   density booster machine, in order
           accuracy, precision, and other vital   value of the waste material that   to create a product comparable to
           analytical parameters.            processes generate if you are in   the traditional grain which can be
                                             the business of producing or using   directly melted into bars from 1 oz
           Dr Jodry took delegates through   precious metals. In this session,   up to 15 kg. The paper focused on
           when and how to validate, and     Mr Walne discussed the sources    silver processing, presenting the
           what criteria to define before any   of sample types and the sampling   technology, describing the process
           validation takes place to ensure   methods employed to attain a     used and sharing data from field test
           useful results. Delegates were    homogenous test sample – and the   done by Argor-Heraeus to compare
           furnished with a framework designed   assaying methods by which differing   energy consumption, carbon
           to ensure laboratories are compliant   materials are analysed once they   footprint reduction and safety-related
           with quality standards like ISO   have been pre-treated. Mr Walne   considerations.
           17025, and also to minimise the   pressed that test accuracy is crucial
           risk of errors which could negatively   given the sample type, and the small   The Importance of Sampling
           impact both the reputation and    profit margins, so producing the   Accuracy
           the finances of their company. The   best results is important to enable   Elton Cupido’s paper, Monitoring
           framework is compiled from different   reaching a settlement figure.   Percentage Sampling Variance for
           recognised standards, national                                      Improvement Purposes, examined
           guidelines, and best practices    Foundry Operations Revolution     how overstating or understating
           recommendations, and adapted      for Silver                        precious metal content in the input,
           for our industry. It comprises of   The paper prepared by Enrico    outputs or work in progress exposes
           seven tests – for identification,   Cappellini, Giovanni Faoro,     the company to financial risk. It
           working range, precision, accuracy,   Simone Frigerio and Stefano   explored how important an accurate
           uncertainty, stability, and robustness   Ghiringhelli, entitled Replacing   metal accounting balance is to a
           – and practical examples were given   Melting Processes with Mechanical   refinery, and how sampling variances
           in the session.                   Operations for Producing Silver   are more significant in comparison to
                                             Bars: A Lower Energy and Safer    mass and analytical variances.
           The use of data and statistics was   Alternative, presented the results of
           also a theme for a contribution from   a revolutionary new way to handle   ESG Challenges and Examples
           Madeleine Theron (Rand Refinery)   foundry operations starting from   The final presentation in the third
           later in the Conference, who      large bars to produce small bars   session was by Giovanni Calabria,
           discussed the use of data analytics   (from 1 oz up to 15 kg).      on his paper ESG in a Precious

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