Page 9 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 4 April 2023
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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 4 | April 2023
A Lifecycle Approach to Safety
The keynote speech at this year’s
Conference was delivered by
Leo Simpson (Metalor USA). His
presentation, entitled A Lifecycle
Approach to Safety in Refineries
– From Design to Continuous
Improvement, focused on how
changes in the art of refining
precious metals has made
hazardous, age-old techniques
much safer.
Mr Simpson discussed how to build
a sustainably safe precious metals
refinery, which should include a
safety conscious design, be based LBMA Chairman Dr Paul Fisher with delegate
on the principles of continuous
improvement, and cultivate a Despite the hazards inherent with material that makes it hazardous
safety-driven culture. He shared his working with molten metal and is often the property that makes it
insights on how to ‘design in’ safety hazardous chemicals and gases, useful.
features considering a typical project operations can be designed
life cycle, and outlined the tools to operate safely with minimal The success of a continuous
exposure to operation personnel improvement approach, Mr Simpson
as well as the surrounding posited, hinges on asking the right
community. Process safety should questions, taking action when
never be an afterthought or just required and learning from mistakes.
another employee training-based And always consider the human
programme, Mr Simpson explained. factor.
Developing and maintaining an This safety theme was developed
effective safety culture needs to be and continued during a more
multi-functional and must include intimate discussion in a Safety
experienced engineering staff, active Workshop held the morning after the
management at all levels, committed main Conference concluded. At this
maintenance staff and well-trained workshop, some 46 attendees heard
operators, who – together as a team more from Leo Simpson, as well as
– focus on continuous improvement Michael Koch (Perth Mint), Stephen
and preventative maintenance in a James (Johnson Matthey), Terance
highly transparent work environment. Nkosi (Rand Refinery), Rob Sargent
and Charles Daoust (both Royal
Although process safety starts at Canadian Mint) on topics ranging
the process design stage, it must from physical safety requirements to
continue through the life cycle of changes in attitudes – generating a
the operation. Mr Simpson outlined fruitful and engaging discussion.
the elements required to engineer
and manage a safe operating Method Validation: A Framework
environment. He also discussed the for Compliance
hazardous methods and processes Dr Jonathan Jodry (Metalor
used for refining – such as the Miller Industries SA & Tanaka Kikinzoku
LBMA CEO process, graining metals, use of Kogyo K.K.) was voted as best
Ruth Crowell aqua regia or chlorine, and selective speaker for his tour de force session
gold reduction – and explained how on the value and approaches to
the properties of a technology or assay method validation.