Page 42 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 9 September 2024
P. 42

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | September 2024

                    IBJA Opening & Closing Rates for Gold and Silver

                                                  (All rates in INR)

                         Gold 999       Gold 995       Gold 916       Gold 750       Gold 585      Silver 999

                        (AM    (PM    (AM     (PM    (AM     (PM    (AM     (PM    (AM     (PM    (AM    (PM
                       Price)  Price)  Price)  Price)  Price)  Price)  Price)  Price)  Price)  Price)  Price)  Price)
                       10 Gms  10 Gms  10 Gms  10 Gms  10 Gms  10 Gms  10 Gms  10 Gms  10 Gms  10 Gms  1 Kg  1 Kg

            08-01-2024  69905  69721  69625   69442  64033   63864  52429   52291  40894  40787   83542  83464

            08-02-2024  70475  70392  70193   70110  64555   64479  52856   52794  41228  41179   83542  83501
            08-05-2024  69699  69117  69420   68840  63844   63311  52274   51838  40774  40433   81736  78950

            08-06-2024  68904  69182  68628   68905  63116   63371  51678   51887  40304  40472   78444  79158
            08-07-2024  68906  68941  68630   68665  63118   63150  51680   51706  40310  40331   79145  79159

            08-08-2024  68843  69205  68567   68928  63060   63392  51623   51904  40273  40485   78600  78880

            08-09-2024  69296  69663  69019   69384  63475   63811  51972   52247  40538  40753   79920  80263
            08-12-2024  69729  69890  69450   69610  63872   64019  52297   52418  40792  40886   80336  81124

            08-13-2024  70372  70444  70090   70162  64461   64527  52779   52833  41168  41210   80598  80702
            08-14-2024  70457  70793  70175   70510  64539   64846  52843   53095  41217  41414   80740  80921                  DEVELOPING, DRIVING AND

            08-16-2024  70390  70604  70108   70321  64477   64673  52793   52953  41178  41303   81655  81510

            08-19-2024  71516  71108  71230   70823  65509   65135  53637   53331  41837  41598   83626  83291                  CONNECTING ASIA PACIFIC
            08-20-2024  71369  71945  71083   71657  65374   65902  53527   53959  41751  42088   84294  85321
                                                                                                                                BULLION MARKET
            08-21-2024  71884  71719  71596   71432  65846   65695  53913   53789  42052   41956  84890  84913

            08-22-2024  71717  71599  71430   71312  65693   65585  53788   53699  41954   41885  84783  84820
            08-23-2024  71325  71424  71039   71138  65334   65424  53494   53568  41725   41783  84072  84615
                                                                                                                                WE BRIDGE OPPORTUNITIES TO GROW YOUR PRECIOUS METALS BUSINESS
            08-26-2024  71709  72042  71422   71754  65685   65991  53782   54032  41950   42145  85430  86191
            08-27-2024  71864  71762  71576   71475  65827   65734  53898   53822  42040   41981  86139  85962                  OUR VISION & MISSION                                       MEMBERSHIP

            08-28-2024  71694  71691  71407   71404  65672   65669  53771   53786  41941   41939  84720  84929                  Our vision is for Singapore to emerge as a                 SBMA is a non-profit member-driven
            08-29-2024  71925  72001  71637   71713  65883   65953  53944   54001  42076   42121  85100  85072                  leading precious metals hub in the Asia Pacific            organisation that represents our members from
                                                                                                                                region and a global centre of connectivity for             the precious metals industry, including but not
            08-30-2024  71869  71958  71581   71670  65832   65914  53902   53969  42043   42095  85046  85019
                                                                                                                                precious metals.                                           limited to bullion banks, exchanges, refineries,
                                                                                                                                                                                           trading firms and logistics companies. Our

                                                                                                                                Our mission is to support member companies                 members enjoy wide-ranging benefits from their
                                          The above rates are exclusive of GST/VAT                                              in expanding their businesses within Singapore             membership.

                                                                                                                                and leveraging the nation as a launchpad to                FIND OUT MORE:
                                                                                                                                propel their operations into the Asia Pacific

            42                                                                                                                                                                                                        CORPORATE BROCHURE
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