Page 9 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 11 November 2024
P. 9
Silver IconS of India
Family Leadership and the Engineering Edge
Today, the company is led innovative solutions to
by Mr Kishore Choksi, meet customer needs.
Mr Shailesh Choksi
and the sons of Ravindra "Our business is
Choksi, who continue technology-driven,"
to build on their father’s says Mr Shailesh
legacy. Both brothers Choksi. "It's not about
bring with them a wealth of aesthetics like in jewelry.
experience and technical We focus on how well
expertise, having worked we understand the
in the precious metals engineering processes
industry for decades. Their that underpin our
engineering backgrounds products. Having an
have been instrumental engineering background
in maintaining Ravindra is crucial to offering
Heraeus' competitive edge our clients the best
in a technology-driven solutions."
Mr Kishore Choksi, a
metallurgical engineer
with nearly 45 years of
experience, complements his brother’s skill set, This strong engineering foundation has allowed
making the two a formidable leadership team. Ravindra Heraeus to carve out a unique niche in the
Mr Shailesh Choksi, an electrical engineer, has precious metals sector. Unlike many companies that
over 40 years of experience in the precious metals focus on the decorative aspects of metals, Ravindra
industry. His technical expertise enables him to Heraeus is focused on industrial applications where
oversee the company’s operations with a strategic precision and technical knowledge are paramount.
focus on innovation and efficiency. Their deep This approach has earned them a reputation
understanding of the technical processes that drive for quality and reliability, setting them apart in a
the business has allowed Ravindra Heraeus to stay competitive market.
at the forefront of the industry, continually offering