Page 12 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 5 May 2024
P. 12

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | May 2024

           Total silver volumes, March, M ounces

           Source: LBMA

           Silver, gold and copper; , the correlations and the gold:silver ratio, January 2023-to-date

           Source: Bloomberg, StoneX

           Many of the influences on gold applied to silver as the   doing anything of note silver will often turn to copper for
           markets sprang to life, but there are other elements   guidance.  Remember also that silver does usually tend
           involved here also.  As we have often noted before,   to piggy-back on one or other of these metals because
           while silver is often thought of as being in the same   of its own fundamentals; the demand side tends to be
           stable as gold because of its history in coinage and   the key river here because the majority of supply is price-
           the use in jewellery and for silverware and decorative   inelastic; only roughly 28% of silver mine production is
           ware, we must always remember that 60% of silver’s   from primary silver mines with the balance coming very
           fabrication demand (i.e. exclusive of -investment activity)   largely from copper, lead-zinc or gold operations.  Add
           is in the industrial sector; when gold prices are not   to this the return from industrial scrap which - except in

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