Page 15 - Bollion World Volume 4 Issue 8 August 2024
P. 15

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 8 | August 2024

           “Our exchange fills a gap in the Chinese market,   Part of SPW 2024 involved site visits to several firms
           providing the mechanisms to discover the domestic   in the hydrogen value chain which have shown strong
           prices of platinum and palladium in China and help   growth. Looking ahead, growing economies of scale will
           businesses hedge price risk, opening up working    result in cost efficiencies that will drive future scaling.
           with the two metals to a greater number of market
           participants throughout the metal value chains. The   Investment demand for platinum in China is
           ability to hedge price risk will provide a welcome boost   strong and on a growth trajectory. Representatives
           to the ongoing development of China’s PGMs market   from various companies highlighted the successes in
           which is essential to the country’s energy transition   developing platinum as an investment product, driven by
           and ongoing decarbonisation efforts. The availability   platinum’s wide price discount to gold and high-quality
           of domestic futures could potentially boost consumer   products. Indeed, WPIC’s product partners in China
           confidence in both metals, increase the availability of   delivered almost 200 koz of investment product sales
           recycled metal and further accelerate demand growth.”  in 2023, up from almost nothing in 2018, with strong
                                                              momentum continuing in 2024.
           WPIC believes that developments such as GFEX’s plans
           to launch PGM derivatives in China are a key component   Headwinds to both primary and secondary platinum
           of a broader and necessary market restructuring,   supply were also discussed at SPW 2024. The key
           which should include harmonising the VAT paid on   challenge faced by PGM miners is the weak basket price,
           platinum purchases with that of gold. Updating the VAT   which is pushing them to cut costs to minimise losses
           regulations combined with the ability to manage price   but will likely increase the risk of lower mine supply over
           risks would improve the competitiveness of Chinese   the medium-to-longer-term. In terms of recycling supply
           domestic corporations, and maximise the accumulation   from China, tax experts discussed China’s new reverse
           of platinum and palladium – both strategically important   invoicing policy which aims to generate tax from an
           metals – within China as a domestic reserve.       historically cash-based transaction between upstream
                                                              scrap collectors and recycling enterprises. Industry
           The strategic importance of PGMs takes on          participants cited the revocation of the 3% VAT rebate
           further significance as China looks set to lead the   as onerous on a sector typically operating at low margins
           global hydrogen economy push, with a March 2024    and suggested it will result in downward pressure to
           government report calling to expedite the technology.   recycling PGM supply.

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