Page 12 - Bollion World Volume 4 Issue 8 August 2024
P. 12

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 8 | August 2024

           Implications for Gold Demand                       demand, especially as the festive season approaches.
           The customs duty reduction has the potential to    Market experts predict a price drop of ₹300 to ₹500
           significantly increase gold demand during the upcoming   per gram for 24-carat gold, encouraging postponed
           buying season (August to December) and over the    purchases.
           long term. Our econometric model suggests that Indian
           consumer demand for jewellery and gold bars and coins   Lower prices are also set to benefit companies by
           could see an additional 50 tons in the second half of   potentially increasing their revenue and profits through
           2024 due to more attractive pricing and alignment with   volume growth. Stocks of listed jewellers like Titan
           international prices.                              Company, Kalyan Jewellers India, and Senco Gold have
                                                              appreciated following the budget announcement.
           Additionally, the recategorization of gold ETFs and
           mutual funds is expected to boost investment in these   Furthermore, the reduced gold smuggling due to
           assets, making the investment landscape more attractive  competitive mainstream market prices will benefit the
           and equitable. This change is likely to drive further   industry. However, increased gold demand may lead
           inflows into gold ETFs, which have seen steady growth   to higher imports, potentially impacting the Indian
           since April 2013.                                  rupee, which is already near an all-time low against the
                                                              dollar. According to the Reserve Bank of India, India
           Initial Market Reaction                            imports gold worth an average of $36 billion annually,
           Following the Union Budget announcement, the Indian   constituting about 8% of total imports.
           domestic gold price fell by 7%, and the net asset value
           (NAV) of gold ETFs dropped by 6.5% to 8.9%. There has   In conclusion, the 2024-25 Union Budget's pro-gold
           been a noticeable increase in foot traffic at retail jewellery  measures are expected to have wide-ranging positive
           shops and a rise in the local gold price premium, which   implications for both consumers and the gold industry,
           had been trading at a discount to international prices for   fostering growth and increasing demand.
           the previous five months.

           Benefits for Consumers and Companies
           The reduction in total tax on jewellery from about 18% to
           9%, including the 3% GST, is expected to boost jewellery

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