Page 19 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 10 October 2023
P. 19
Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 10 | October 2023
ABC Bullion:
Global Leaders in Precious Metals
Mr Jordan Eliseo, General Manager, ABC Bullion
ABC Refinery’s sister company ABC Bullion offers a range of leading precious
metal products. Investors and industry partners trading in ABC Bullion
products can be assured of the integrity of the items they are purchasing, with
ethical sourcing lying at the heart of ABC Refinery’s Considerate Precious
Metal Strategy.
Our dedication to ethical sourcing, pressure. As the name suggests,
as well as driving best practice from no acid is used in the process.
an environmental perspective is During the 2022 financial year,
evidenced through ABC Refinery tripled the size of
its ALS capacity, and now boasts
• Sourcing: ABC Refinery almost the largest such refining capacity
exclusively sources primary in the world.
gold in dore form from some of Mr Jordan Eliseo
the world’s leading gold mining • Sintering technology:
companies, with the majority Through our parent company
of these companies listed on Pallion, we are currently
international stock exchanges. developing sintering technology
for the production of minted
• Acidless refining (ALS): products, which will reduce
ABC Refinery was the first refiner recycling in coin and tablet
in the southern hemisphere production by more than 30%.
to utilise ALS in its refining This further evidences the Pallion
processes. This system Group’s ESG focus to reduce its
separates precious metals from carbon footprint.
other metals using heat and