Page 18 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 10 October 2023
P. 18

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 10 | October 2023

           SBMA’s Code of Conduct for the    region and on the global stage    we envision a prosperous and
           Retail Bullion Market             as a hub for precious metals, the   responsible industry that resonates
           The Retail Market Group committee,   journey ahead is both promising and   with the core values of integrity,
           a recent SBMA initiative chaired   demanding. The emphasis on ethical   sustainability, and innovation."
           by Silver Bullion and in alliance   and professional excellence is not
           with GoldSilver Central, Metalor   merely a principle but a deliberate   By aligning with international
           Technologies, and YLG Bullion,    action towards fostering a robust   best practices and fostering a
           aims to bolster the confidence of   and transparent precious metals   culture of continuous improvement
           private investors in gold investment   ecosystem that resonates with   and learning, SBMA is not only
           avenues and the retail gold market.   global standards of integrity and   contributing to the immediate growth
           Supported by the World Gold       sustainability.                   of the precious metals industry but
           Council (WGC), this committee                                       is laying a solid foundation for a
           aspires to consolidate like-minded   The global precious metals     sustainable and responsible industry
           entities and stakeholders within   industry is at the cusp of significant   that can adeptly navigate the
           Singapore's retail investment sphere   transformation, driven by evolving   challenges and opportunities of the
           under the SBMA umbrella. Adhering   regulatory landscapes, technological   future.
           to a defined code of conduct and   advancements, and a heightened
           operational guidelines, this initiative   awareness and commitment   In the coming years, SBMA will
           strives to cater to investor interests,   to sustainable and responsible   continue to play a catalytic role
           with a vision to broaden its scope   sourcing. As these dynamics    in driving industry standards,
           within the ASEAN region. CEO      unfold, the role of associations like   advocating for responsible practices,
           Cheng elucidated on this initiative   SBMA becomes increasingly vital in   and nurturing a community of
           during the 2023 Thailand Gold     bridging gaps, fostering dialogue,   professionals and entities that are
           Forum, sparking the interest of Thai   and facilitating collaborative   collectively committed to advancing
           stakeholders in elevating gold trading  endeavors among stakeholders.  the precious metals industry to
           standards, encompassing both gold                                   new heights of excellence and
           investment and jewelry trading.    CEO Cheng affirmed, "Our         responsibility. Through these
                                             dedicated endeavor towards ethical   endeavors, SBMA aims to contribute
           Looking Ahead: Fostering          and professional excellence forms   significantly towards Singapore's
           a Resilient and Prosperous        the bedrock of Singapore's evolving   aspiration to be a revered and
           Precious Metals Ecosystem         stature as a global fulcrum for   trusted hub for precious metals in
           As the SBMA ardently pursues its   precious metals connectivity and an   the ASEAN region and globally.
           vision to elevate Singapore to a   ASEAN hub. Through collaborative
           pivotal position within the ASEAN   efforts and steadfast commitment,

                   SBMA CEO Albert Cheng presenting the Responsible Retailing and Consumer Protection
                                         initiative at the Thailand Gold Forum 2023.

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