Page 15 - Bullion World Volume 03 Issue 6 June 2023
P. 15

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 6 | June 2023

           Moderator: We have seen that the government of     Bullion index; how does this help the mid/small size
           India has focused on Silver manufacturing for the   players in the Indian market?
           past couple of years. Many semiconductor and       Mr Shivanshu Mehta: As a leading market
           mobile manufacturing factories are being set up.   infrastructure institution, MCX must support the
           How does it affect Hindustan Platinum and Choksi   physical players. For silver which is both a precious
           Heraeus, as they are prominent players in the Silver  and an industrial metal, the exchange has launched
           industry? In addition, does the increase in silver   various contracts traded on the exchange. To mention
           prices hurt its usage in industrial applications?  futures, options, and indices. These contracts can
           Mr Gautam Choksi: Industrial demand for silver is   cater to all the uncertainties, like the disparity of
           rising, whether for photovoltaic applications or in using   discount and volatility. Over the past year, records
           EVs, making it better for manufacturing units in India.   have shown that silver futures are one of the most
           The main effect depends on how much of this demand   traded contracts in the world. These contracts must
           is catered by the Indian manufacturers. There is an   only be used for hedging and not for speculating.
           inverted duty structure in India for silver, making it a lot   Hedging instruments help keep the asset safe from any
           more difficult as the price of bullion import would be   imbalances caused by volatility.
           much higher than the import of silver salts and silver
           paste.                                             Questions from the audience.
                                                              Question- Where do you see the bullion tech
           Mr Kishore Choksi: The inverted duty structure     market, especially digital gold and silver, in the
           that exists should be rectified. The duty structure on   near future?
           electrical contacts is significantly lower than that on   As the demand and popularity for digital silver and
           metal. This anomaly does not create a level playing   gold markets grow, it becomes a more viable option for
           field between domestic manufacturing and imports.   bankers. There is a growing trust amongst retailers in
           The contact import duty structure should be on par   India, making it a good investment and hedging option
           with the silvers to rectify this.                  for all the value chain participants.

           The rise in silver prices can hurt the industrial   Question to Mr Kishore Choksi: Since Choksi
           application industry, making it costlier for the   Heraeus is an industrial manufacturer, what
           manufacturer. Some innovations to reduce the silver   strategy would you advise a price-sensitive
           content in industrial applications are in process, which   consumer given the price fluctuations that happen
           will help to minimize the silver usage             intraday?
                                                              Primarily Choksi Heraeus deals with customers who
           Moderator: Hindustan Zinc Limited is the 5th       are mainly focused on product quality. We offer various
           largest producer of silver in the world. The       price options, like the average of the month or the
           company has a target of 1,000 tonnes of silver     opening and closing on a particular day, based on the
           production. What are the measures taken to         consumer. Fixing the price of silver with the buyer is a
           achieve this self-set target?                      must to eliminate price fluctuations.
           Mr Vijay Murthy: Hindustan Zinc is on course to
           achieve the target of 1000 tons of silver in the next few   Question to Mr Shivanshu Mehta- Can you briefly
           years. For 2022, Hindustan Zinc managed to produce   explain how the two exchanges, MCX and IIBX, will
           714 tonnes of silver, and the projection for 2023 is 750   work together in the coming times?
           tonnes.  Coming to the target of 1000 tonnes per year,   IIBX is a national project and is a vision of the Indian
           one of the top mines in Rajasthan is being explored to   government. It is under the regulation of IFSCA. IIBX is
           find rich silver content, which will help the company   considered a gateway for gold imports into the country.
           realize this goal. At the same time, there are varieties of   MCX, on the other hand, is a domestic platform mainly
           obstacles that must be overcome to achieve this goal.  used for hedging purposes. MCX caters to three types
                                                              of risks – Commodity price risks, currency risks and
           Moderator: MCX is considered one of the top global  risks arising from the change of customs duty. There
           exchanges in the market. In the past year, MCX has   will be integration in future between these exchanges,
           introduced new products like the right options and   which will benefit the whole bullion industry.

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