Page 16 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 02 June 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 02 | June 2022

           Challenges faced

           by regional market

           players in Asia

                                              The bullion market in Asia is going   One of the most vexing aspects
                                              through a slow transformation    market observers note is that the
                                              which has already resulted in    vast share of gold and silver that
                                              increased marginalization of the   is produced and exported from                        Sovereign Metals Limited is in the
                                              mid-tier players. Asia’s regional   countries like Australia, Indonesia,               business of refining precious metals
                                              corporates and institutions are   Korea, Philippines and China is                         (gold and silver) and supplying
                                              being hampered by onerous        sold to non-Asian players who in                       highest and most consistent quality
                                              onboarding requirements and      turn deliver the metal to consuming                    products and related services and
                                              reduced access to international   countries like China, Thailand,                       solution to customers at their place
                                              counterparties. Therefore, costs   India, Vietnam, Cambodia and                          of convenience by leveraging its
                                              of doing business are rising and   Malaysia. The value of direct                        competent and customer-focused
                                              margins are under pressure.      trade between these countries                          human resources, industry-leading
                                                                               accounts for less than 15% of the                        technology infrastructure and
                                              In our view, there are major five   market. The predominant reasons                          transparent and globally
                                              challenges for Asia’s market players  behind this are to do with lack                     compliant-sourcing practices.
                                              which need to be addressed       of trust, visibility, and financing.
                                              through innovative and customized   Accordingly, we are working on                       Sovereign Metals Limited would
                                              solutions. They are, in no particular   building direct relationships between          pursue environmentally sustainable
                  Mr Sunil Kashyap                                                                                                    manufacturing practices and would
                Director, FinMet Pte Ltd.     order, the following :           large producers and consumers by
                                              1.  Minimal direct physical metal   providing more market intelligence                    strive to be a world leader in its
                                                 trade between producing and   and understanding to both sides. We                       chosen segment from India.
                                                 consuming countries in Asia   are creating trust through dialogue
                                              2.  Reduced access to market     and open communication. The
                                                 liquidity                     benefit of forging these relationships
                                              3.  Limited role of Regional     is that it enables both buyers and
                                                 commercial banks              sellers to share the discounts and                
                                              4.  Lack of financing options for   premiums that prevail in the market
                                                 metal inventory               which are currently being retained by
                                              5.  Hurdles for Asian “champions”   intermediaries.
                                                 to become Global “winners”
                                                                               The reduced activity in Asia of
                                              At FinMet, we are taking a closer   some major international bullion
                                              look at each of these issues,    banks has crimped the ability of
                                              dissecting the reasons behind them   mid-tier players here to access
                                              and building possible pathways   liquidity especially in the over-the-
                                              to solutions. In this article we will   counter market. Opening a trading
                                              share some of the work we have   account with an established liquidity
                                              done on the subject.             provider can often take 4-6 months

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