Page 28 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 9 September 2024
P. 28

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | September 2024
           B ullion  W orld |  V olume 4 | I ssue 9 | S ep t ember  2024

                  "Understanding the Power to Freeze

                   Bank Accounts: Legal Frameworks

                                         and Challenges"

                         Mr K.P. Singh, Managing Partner, ASAV Attorneys & Advisors LLP

           1.  Economic offences and white-collar crimes have
              always been a threat to India’s economic prosperity.
              With technological advancements in every field, we
              have witnessed a sudden spike in such offences as
              miscreants have devised ingenious ways to avoid
              being detected by the authorities. In response,
              Government has been enacting stringent legal
              provisions in order to give the investigating &
              prosecuting agencies, wide-ranging powers &
              wherewithal to effectively detect and prosecute
              cases involving complex financial transactions which
              cause massive loss to the exchequer. One of such
              powers is the power to freeze bank accounts which
              is technically known as Attachment of Property.

           2.  The most basic provision to this effect is Section
              102 of erstwhile CrPC, which has been incorporated
              verbatim in the new BNSS as Section 106. This
              section empowers “Any” police officer that they
              “may” seize any property which “may” be alleged
              or suspected to have been stolen, or which may be
              found under circumstances which create suspicion
              of the commission of any offence. Similar powers
              have been granted to other law enforcement                      Mr K.P. Singh
              agencies through specific provisions in various laws,
              some of which are enumerated here:

           a) Section 83 of CGST Act, 2017- Power of Provisional
           Attachment to protect revenue in certain cases     (2) Every such provisional attachment shall cease to
                                                              have effect after the expiry of a period of one year from
                                                              the date of the order made under sub-section (1).”
           “(1) Where, after the initiation of any proceeding

           under Chapter XII, Chapter XIV or Chapter XV, the
                                                              b) Section 110 (5) of Customs Act- Seizure of goods,
           Commissioner is of the opinion that for the purpose
                                                              documents and things
           of protecting the interest of the Government revenue it is
                                                              “(5) Where the proper officer, during any proceedings
           necessary so to do, he may, by order in writing, attach
                                                              under the Act, is of the opinion that for the purposes
           provisionally, any property, including bank account,
                                                              of protecting the interest of revenue or preventing
           belonging to the taxable person or any person specified
                                                              smuggling, it is necessary so to do, he may, with the
           in sub-section (1A) of section 122, in such manner as
                                                              approval of the Principal Commissioner of Customs
           may be prescribed.

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