Page 19 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 9 September 2024
P. 19

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | September 2024

           expedite approvals and improve sector efficiency.   and informal mining. Certificates of origin intended
           Accelerating development would not only boost socio-  to verify the source of gold are frequently unreliable,
           economic growth and government revenues but also   complicating ethical sourcing efforts. ICGLR works to
           strengthen India's position in the global gold market.   address these challenges by implementing regional
           Post-COVID, enhanced mining activity can contribute to   certification and third-party audits to improve traceability
           economic recovery and create job opportunities.    and governance. Indian refineries must ensure they
           Dr. Emmanuel Makumba Mali: The Great Lakes region,   comply with international standards to avoid supporting
           encompassing Sudan, South Sudan, and the Central   conflict or illegal activities. Collaboration with ICGLR and
           African Republic, produces nearly 500 tonnes of gold   improved traceability measures can help mitigate risks
           annually. Official statistics often underreport exports   associated with sourcing from this region.
           due to opaque supply chains and issues like smuggling

           Questions and Answers:                             investing, a detailed assessment of creditworthiness,
                                                              balance sheets, mine plans, and geological data is
           Question to Dr. Emmanuel Makumba: What is ICGLR,   essential. This thorough due diligence helps mitigate
           and how can Indian refineries collaborate with it?  risks, especially when investing in junior miners, which
           Answer: ICGLR is a 12-member organization focused   can be highly volatile.
           on peace, security, and reducing conflicts in the Great
           Lakes region, particularly related to illegal resource   Question to Dr. Emmanuel Makumba: How can Indian
                                                              refineries work with mining companies in the Great
           exploitation. It implements regional certification and
           third-party audits to formalize mining and ensure   Lakes region, and what safeguards should they take?
                                                              Answer: Despite underreported figures, a significant
           compliance with human rights and environmental
           standards. Indian refineries can collaborate with ICGLR   amount of gold reaches India from the Great Lakes
                                                              region. ICGLR is working to improve traceability and
           by ensuring their trade practices adhere to these
           standards, thereby avoiding the promotion of conflict,   streamline bureaucracy to address these challenges.
                                                              Refineries should engage in dialogue with ICGLR and
           child labor, or displacement.
                                                              local stakeholders to enhance compliance and reduce

           Question to Dr. Prabhakar Sangurmath: What is the   risks. Safeguards include ensuring accurate certificates
           current status of gold mining in India, and why has   of origin, adhering to traceability requirements, and
           progress been slow?                                supporting ethical practices to minimize costs for
           Answer: India produces 10-15 tonnes of gold annually,   artisanal miners while preventing involvement in conflict
                                                              or illegal activities.
           with substantial untapped resources. Despite interest
           and auctioning of numerous exploration blocks, progress
           has been slow due to bureaucratic inefficiencies and     Scan the QR code to watch the video
           complex licensing processes. Although the government
           is working to streamline these processes, challenges
           remain in obtaining approvals from multiple regulatory
           bodies. A more efficient and transparent approval system
           could enhance sector growth and India's role in global
           gold production.

           Question to Mr Keith Weiner: What due diligence
           should Indian refineries undertake when investing in or
           sourcing from mines?
           Answer: Due diligence involves verifying the ultimate
           beneficial owners, conducting thorough background
           checks, and ensuring compliance with AML and KYC
           regulations. For sourcing, companies must monitor
           production for anomalies like gold laundering. When

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