Page 12 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 9 September 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | September 2024

           Launch of SRO for

           Indian Gold Industry at IGC 2024

                                   Mr Sachin Jain, Regional CEO – India, World Gold Council

           Introduction of the Self-Regulatory Organization   organization will act as a bridge between industry
           for the Indian Gold Industry by Mr Sachin Jain,    players and government regulations, making it easier for
           Regional CEO, World Gold Council                   businesses to comply while providing consumers with
                                                              greater confidence in the products they purchase.
           At the India Gold Conference, Mr Sachin Jain, Regional   The creation of IAGES is not merely another industry
           CEO of the World Gold Council (WGC), introduced    association but a structural change aimed at elevating
           the Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) for the Indian   the Indian gold industry. Mr Sachin Jain explained
           gold industry. The SRO, named "IAGES" (Indian      that IAGES will reward businesses that comply with its
           Association for Gold Excellence and Standards), is a   standards, showcasing them as leaders in the industry.
           ground-breaking initiative aimed at bringing greater   Additionally, the SRO will work closely with small-scale
           transparency, accountability, and trust to the gold value   businesses to help them improve their practices and
           chain in India. This initiative has been in development for   become more competitive in the global market. IAGES is
           over three years, with the World Gold Council working   expected to not only enhance the credibility of the Indian
           closely with industry stakeholders and government   gold market but also foster a more sustainable and
           regulators to ensure a comprehensive framework that   ethical approach to gold trading and manufacturing.
           covers the entire gold sector, from bullion and refining                                                                FOR OVER A CENTURY WE HAVE
           to trading and retail. He emphasized the importance   In concluding his presentation, he unveiled the logo
           of IAGES in addressing the "trust deficit" that exists   of IAGES and highlighted the extensive research and            RESHAPED VALUE RESPONSIBLY
           between consumers, the government, and the gold    planning that went into its creation. The name "IAGES"
           industry. Despite India's long-standing cultural and   symbolizes the longevity and excellence that the gold
           financial relationship with gold, there has been a growing   industry represents. The initiative has received positive
           sense of doubt about the authenticity, quality, and   responses from government ministries and regulators,
           ethical sourcing of gold products. The IAGES initiative   who view it as a critical step toward formalizing and
           is designed to mitigate these concerns by setting clear   enhancing the gold trade in India. With IAGES, the World
           standards for ethical business practices, conducting   Gold Council aims to create a future-ready gold industry
           regular audits, and ensuring that companies across   that aligns with global best practices while maintaining
           the gold value chain adhere to these standards. The   India’s leadership position in the global gold market.                              

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