Page 14 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 7 January 2024
P. 14

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 7 | July 2024

                           Mr Neville Patel                                   Mr Ashok Gautam
           Mr Neville Patel, Senior Vice President, HDFC Bank   Mr Ashok Gautam, MD & CEO, IIBX IFSC Limited –
           – The Indian banks play a key and a larger role than   The IIBX initiated its business in 2022 and has moved
           before. Earlier we used to see a consignment basis   leaps and bounds since. All the government entities
           where the banks were permitted to import gold to India   including regulators and market participants have
           but now the banks are allowed to participate on the   contributed in the welfare of the exchange. In the first
           exchange through IIBX. Indian banks will also play a role   quarter of 2024, IIBX has touched 5tons of gold traded in
           in the derivatives market where participants are allowed   the exchange. It’s been 6 months since we started silver
           to hedge their metal in GIFT on the OTC platform.   trading on the exchange and we are about to hit the
           The CEPA agreement between India and UAE is going   mark of 1million kg of trading since its inception. We are
           to be an excellent corridor that facilitates trade and   the only exchange in the world that settles the BDR in
           partnership between the two countries. Businesses will   30 minutes. The funds are also settled three times a day.
           be built keeping this agreement in mind and domestic   The silver grain contract is one of our popular contracts.
           banks will want to facilitate both buying and selling of   There are different products being developed around the
           metal through this partnership.                    BDR’s which are repo products, loan and lease products
                                                              which we are looking forward to.

                                                              Mr Monal Thakkar, Managing Director, Ashoka Global
                                                              SG Pte Ltd –
                                                              As Mr Sudheesh and Ayyob mentioned the scale at
                                                              which UAE has developed as a hub is phenomenal. The
                                                              UAE has helped in developing markets like India, Europe
                                                              and Asia. In short, there is a long way to go for UAE but
                                                              the market is certainly moving in the right direction.

                           Mr Monal Thakkar

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