Page 25 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 2 February 2024
P. 25

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 2 | February 2024

           CEPA Agreement for the FY 2023-24 is @ 9% of       Ioaded onto the carrier at the named port of exportation
           prevailing Tariff Value of silver. This custom duty has   including the cost of the product, and all costs necessary
           been agreed to be eliminated in phased manner over a   to bring the product onto the carrier;
           period of 10 years as follows:-
                                                              Value of NOM means Value of Non-Originating Materials.
            FY2022-23                         9.50%
            FY 2023-24                        9.00 %          “(NOM)” means any materials whose country of origin
                                                              is a country other than the Parties (imported non-
            FY 2024-25                        8.00%
                                                              originating), any materials who’s Origin Cannot be
            FY 2025-26                        7.00%           determined (undetermined origin) or a material that does
            FY 2026-27                        6.00%           not qualify as originating under this Chapter.
            FY2027-28                         5.00%           “Ex-Works price” means the price paid for the product
            FY2028-29                         4.00%           ex-works to the manufacturer in the Party where last
            FY2029-30                         3.00%           working or processing is carried out provided the price
            FY2030-31                         2.00%           includes the value of all the materials used.
            FY2031-32                         0.00%
                                                              The differences in value addition percentages depending
           (Source: Annexure 2 A on the Schedule of Specific
           Trade Commitments of India on Trade in Goods under   on the methodology, i.e. FOB value or Ex-Works price,
           CEPA Agreement with UAE)                           are defined in Annexure 3B (Product Specific Rules) of
                                                              CEPA Agreement with UAE.

           The above said custom duties will be applicable
           irrespective of any subsequent change in standard   Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of the Rules of Origin
           prevailing custom duties for normal imports (other than   under CEPA, the final manufacture before export must
           CEPA Agreement). Therefore, custom duty on import of   have occurred in the Party of export. Party of export
           silver under CEPA with UAE @9.00% for the FY 2023-24   in instant case of silver is of UAE. Please refer Rules
           is lower by 6% than the present standard custom duty of   of Origin under Chapter 3 of CEPA Agreement which
           15%.                                               stipulates requirement of Form 1 and the Minimum
                                                              Required Information to ensure Country of Origin Rules
                                                              are being complied with.
           Product Specific Rules (PSR) for Export of Silver
           from UAE to India under CEPA:
           HS Code Heading 7106: Silver unwrought, semi       Importers of silver under CEPA with UAE have to follow
           manufactured                                       CAROTAR Rules 2020 as per Custom Notification
           PSR Description: Certified UAE/India Good delivery silver   81/2020 dated 21/8/2020 and amendments thereto from
           Bars in Different Denominations                    time.
           Product Specific Rule(PSR) for all the above said HS
           Codes of Silver is Change in Sub Heading from any other   Import of Silver Grains by Nominated Agencies
           Subheading of HS Code i.e. CTSH +3% Value Addition  under CEPA Agreement
           (Source: Annexure 3 B on Product Specific Rule     Some Nominated Agencies imported silver grains from
           Referred to in Chapter 3 of CEPA Agreement)        UAE under CEPA Agreement with UAE. It is gathered
                                                              that they faced certain issues with Customs investigation
                                                              in compliance with the Country of Origin Rules which is
           Rules of Origin under CEPA with UAE
           The producer or manufacturer in UAE has the option to   said to be contested by the NA’s. Therefore, NA’s have
           use either of the following two Methods of computing the   stopped importing silver under CEPA with UAE for the
           value addition criteria in the PSR at Annex 3B  (Product   time being.
           Specific Rules):
           (a) (FOB value or Ex-Works price) – (Value of NOM)  Impact of IIBX on Trade Flow of Silver:
                       FOB value or Ex-Works Price            Qualified Jewellers (QJ’s) are now also allowed to import
           Or  (b) Cost of originating material + direct labour cost +   silver through IIBX.180 tonnes of CEPA silver grains
                          direct overhead cost                traded on IIBX so far (up to January 31st,2023) since
                       FOB value or Ex-Works price            the launch of this contract on December 13th,2023. It
                                                              is gathered some QJs have already imported about 113
                                                              Tonnes of silver Grains through IIBX since launch of this
           “Free-On-Board (FOB) value” means the price actually
           paid or payable to the Exporter for a product when   contract on December 13, 2023 under CEPA Agreement

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