Page 18 - Bullion World Volume 4 Issue 2 February 2024
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Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 2 | February 2024 Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 2 | February 2024
4. Technological Capabilities:
-Description of the technological processes employed in
Overview of domestic awards/ your silver refining.
certifications relevant to your -Any innovative or advanced technologies that set your
operations. refinery apart.
1. “Best Refiner of the year”
from the IBJA for 2013, 2014, Refining:
2015,2017,2018,2019, 2022, 2023 Silver refining is done through electrolysis process,
2. “Best Refiner of the year” from which is a method of purifying silver from impurities using
the IIGC for 2013, 2014, 2015, electric current. The process involves placing impure
2016,2017, 2018,2019, 2022, 2023 silver anodes in an electrolytic cell and when electric
3. “Best refiner of the year” by Bullion current is applied, the impure silver dissolves into the
Federation for 2016, 2017 electrolyte as silver ions, leaving behind other metals and
4. “CII Sustainability Award” 2014 impurities. The silver ions then migrate to the cathode,
for Significant Achievement in where they are reduced to metallic silver and deposited
Environment Management. on steel cathode. The pure silver can then be removed
5. “Highest Bullion seller” from the IIGC from the cathode and melted into bars or strips.
for 2018 ,2019
6. “Best Bullion Refinery “ from MMTC-PAMP also employs the most modern Acidless
ASSOCHAM for 2016, 2017 , 2018 Separation process. In this method, dore is melted in a
7. “Best Refinery of the year” from furnace, leading to the selective vaporization of impurities
GJTCI for 2018 and silver. This leaves the balance of gold and copper to
8. “Highest Bullion seller of the Year “ be treated through electrolytic gold refining. The silver
from the IIGC for 2018 – 2019 is then processed through the electrolytic refining route.
9. “Awarded with Platinum, Gold and Importantly, this process does not involve any chemicals,
Silver in various categories organised and the associated loss is minimal.
by CII during its 41st CII Kaizen
Competition held on 24th September, Electrolysis method is more advantageous over other
2021, Nationwide. methods of silver purification, such as pyrometallurgical
10. “Largest Bullion Refinery & Most or chemical. It produces high-purity silver (up to 9999
Vertically Integrated Bullion Company plus) with minimal loss of metal. It is also environmentally
for the year 2019-20 & 2020-21” at friendly, as it generates less waste and emissions than
India Gold Conference 2021 other processes as usage of chemicals is less. The
11. MMTC-PAMP made a stellar debut refinery is equipped with scrubbers to maintain a clean
on Fortune 500 India list for the year atmosphere.
2021. Ranked 68th amongst India's
500 largest corporations Laboratory:
12. Economic Times – Most Iconic MMTC-PAMP has state of Art Assay Laboratory with
Brands on India 2022 LBMA and ISO 107025 accreditation and equipped with
13. Prestigious Brand of Asia Award below sophisticated testing instruments thereby bringing
2022-23 by BARC Abu Dhabi global standards of excellence in India
14. Marketing Meister award for the year 1. Spark Spectrometer calibrated to test 999.9+ silver.
2022-2023 to Mr. Vikas Singh MD & 2. Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Spectrometer
CEO MMTC- PAMP, by BARC Abu and analysis is done by using ISO 15096:2020
Dhabi STD and is used for trace metal analysis resulting
15. Largest Integrated Gold Refiners in assuring the 999.9 plus PPT fineness of refined
award (2022-23 ) at India Gold silver. Evaluating such high purity and fineness
Conference held in Kolkata on 18-08- marking in silver is an important and critical step in
2023 in the IGC Excellence Awards authenticating our silver product