Page 34 - Bollion World Volume 4 Issue 8 August 2024
P. 34

Bullion World | Volume 4 | Issue 8 | August 2024
           B ullion  W orld |  V olume 4 | I ssue 8 |  A ugust 2024
           How digital gold is

           democratising precious

           metals investments

           in India?

                                                              accumulate Gold in substantial quantities over a period
            Gold has a special place in the hearts and lives of   with regular investments like SIP (Systematic Investment
            Indians. It is considered auspicious and associated   Plan). This flexibility makes Digital Gold an attractive
            with wealth and prestige. In addition, it is a significant   investment option and is boosting its popularity among
            part of Indian marriage. Also, Gold is a highly   investors.
            preferred investment option, especially against
            inflation and financial crises. However, Gold's rarity   No security concerns
            and desirability have been driving its price high, thus   When it comes to physical Gold, keeping it secure is
            keeping it out of the reach of many people. This is   a significant challenge. However, one can avoid this
            where Digital Gold comes to the rescue.           with Digital Gold because it is insured and stored in
                                                              bank-grade vaults. It alleviates concerns like loss and
                                                              theft, which is not the case with Physical Gold. Also, if
           Rising popularity of Digital Gold                  investors desire to collect their Gold, they do so securely.
           Digital Gold refers to investing in Gold through digital
           platforms. These platforms allow investors to buy and   No storage fee
           sell Gold digitally. Also, investors can take physical   Digital Gold platforms do not charge fees for storing Gold
           delivery of their Gold. In addition, these digital platforms   while providing bank-grade security. This means one
           offer Gold in 999.9+ or 99.99%+ 24 karat purity, making   can make small investments in Digital Gold and sell or
           them a trustable source for buying Gold. Due to these   redeem it effortlessly.
           reasons, more & more people are opting to invest in
           Digital Gold.
                                                              There are many reputable Digital Gold platforms in India,
                                                              like Digigold, that are fulfilling thousands of Indians'
           Ease of buying Digital Gold                        dreams of buying Gold, thus democratizing the precious
           Digital Gold has made Gold accessible to a large   yellow metal.
           number of people. Unlike physical Gold, Digital Gold
           can be purchased with as small as Rs. 1 investments,
           which is not possible with physical Gold. One can also

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