Page 11 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 10 October 2023
P. 11

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 10 | October 2023

           Question – What can be the        inception in 2012, has become far
           evolutions that can be brought    more diverse since the beginning.
           about to the industry from these
           principles?                       Question – How do you think this
                                             declaration will impact or change
           Ms Sakhila Mirza LBMA –           the way business is implemented
           As there are several competitors   in the gold industry?
           amongst group of companies within
           the declaration, there must be market   Ms Sakhila Mirza LBMA –
           integrity which should be given   These sustainability principles are
           utmost importance. The ultimate   essentially very easy to understand
           goal of protecting the integrity of the   but equally difficult to implement.
           market should not be lost amongst   These principles are broadly the
           the various other initiatives brought   same but can vary from place to
           in. This collective responsibility of   place as the market conditions
                                                                                       Ms Sakhila Mirza
           sustainability will inturn help us work   are different in different places.
           together and bring the industry   The Gold principles will remain the
           leaders closer from all over the world.   same throughout but the way these   need to understand the underlying
           Communication and transparency is   principles are implemented can   wants and needs from the industry.
           key for these principles. As Mr David   vary due to the location or any other   Having one united voice for this
           Tait mentioned technology will be   discrepancies.                  cause is mandatory to be heard by
           another key aspect to make all these                                all the governing bodies across the
           initiatives and principles to work.   From the LBMA perspective,    world as it might not be effective if
           In terms of responsible sourcing   the need for education from the   we the industry do not stand tall and
           which has been scaling up since its   regulatory side is a must as they   together.

           Question – How do you think this   like security vaults and storage
           declaration will impact or change   facilities. Singapore is always looked
           the way business is implemented   at as a hub to connect the ASEAN
           in the gold industry?             region to the rest of the world. The
                                             SBMA is not run by a specific person
           Mr Albert Cheng SBMA –            but a committee is set which decides
           According to the SBMA these       the trajectory. We also exchange
           declarations and principles are a   ideas and insights between the other
           way forward to bring all the gold   ASEAN countries to develop and help
           industry associates together in   each other.
           a global platform especially two
           recognised leaders like WGC and   Question – How do you see the
           LBMA leading the way and helping   interaction between stakeholders
           the industry to work together can   and governments, as none of
           be the best possible start to these   these principles can be addressed     Mr Albert Cheng
           principles. Speaking from the     by one entity alone?
           Singapore perspective which has a
           lower population when compared to   Mr Albert Cheng SBMA –          time refiners present in this region.
           others, we think of the other countries  The framework is not fully discussed,   As Ms Sakhila stated the WGC and
           like fore-fathers. We play a big role   but the main principles, which are   LBMA who are a big part of the
           in the gold industry as Singapore is   sustainability and responsible souring   Gold industry must be a leader and
           the hub for many Bullion banks and   are being addressed all across the   demonstrate how to abide and follow
           traders. We also have other facilities   ASEAN region even to the small   these principles.

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