Page 30 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 11 November 2023
P. 30

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 11 | November 2023

           Sudan's Golden Bounty             •   Alluvial gold along the Nile River   Evolving Regulations
           In the heart of Africa, Sudan claims   and its tributaries          Sudan's commitment to responsible
           its status as the continent's third-  Sudan's gold-rich terrain includes   mining is evident through its ban on
           largest gold producer, trailing only   various areas such as Wadi Halfa,   cyanide and mercury in gold mining in
           South Africa and Ghana. With a    Atbara, Red Sea state, South      2019. Additionally, recent regulations
           production of 50,000 kilograms of   Kurdufan, and Darfur.           have permitted private traders to
           gold in 2022, Sudan's gold industry                                 export 70% of their gold, further
           stands as the nation's most valuable   Hassai Mine: Sudan's Pride   enhancing the dynamism of Sudan's
           export. Oversight of exploration   The Hassai Mine, located in the   gold sector
           and mining activities falls under   picturesque Red Sea region, is
           the diligent watch of the Sudanese   Sudan's foremost large-scale open-  Gold holds a unique place in the
           Mineral Resources Company         pit gold mine. Since 1991, this mine   world of finance and trade, and its
           (SMRC), supported by SUDAMIN,     has produced over 85,000 kilograms   significance transcends borders and
           which establishes national technical   of gold and an impressive 37,000   cultures. Two countries, the United
           standards.                        metric tons of silver.            Arab Emirates (UAE) and Libya,
                                                                               exhibit distinctive characteristics
           Diverse Geology of Sudan          Regulatory Framework in Sudan     in their relationship with gold, both
           Gold in Sudan is discovered       Two key acts of parliament,       playing pivotal roles in the global gold
           in three distinct geological      the Mineral Wealth and Mining     market. This article delves into their
           formations:                       Development Act of 2015 and the   respective gold industries, exploring
           •   Parentheses Gossan formation   Mineral Resources and Mining     the UAE's dominance as an African
              in the eastern Nuba Mountains,   Development Act of 2007, govern   gold customer and Libya's rich gold
              Eriab region                   Sudan’s mining sector. Other national   reserves.
           •   Quartz-vein formations in North   laws relevant to artisanal mining,
              Kurdufan, Obaidiya, and the Blue   encompassing labour, environmental
              Nile region                    protection, environmental health, and
                                             child welfare, complement these acts.

           United Arab Emirates (UAE): The Shining Star of the Gold Market

            Topic                Key Points

            Gold in the UAE      - The UAE is the biggest African gold customer since 2006, with a well-established gold sector.

                                 - It boasts large gold refineries, such as Emirates Gold, Al Etihad Gold Refinery, SAM Precious Metals

            Gold Exports         - Major export destinations include Switzerland, India, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.

            Leading Suppliers    - Mali, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Niger, and the United Kingdom are major gold suppliers.

            UAE Gold Demand      - In 2022, the UAE led gold usage in the Middle East, with a 38% increase in gold jewellery demand.
                                 - In Q2 2023, jewellery demand dropped by 20%. UAE introduced a 5% VAT rate for gold and its

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