Page 12 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2023
P. 12
Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | March 2023
every jeweller is a stakeholder of Lakshmi, which is rebranded as India aspect in promoting ‘Make in India’.
this show and has a role to play Jewellery Shopping Festival (IJSF).
towards its success. From offering The magnitude of this program is On policy reforms needed in the
complimentary stays and meals very huge and this is coming back gem and jewellery sector: In your
for hosted buyers to an attractive to the industry after a gap of a opinion, what areas are urgently
corporate travel option through flight, decade, thus the expectation and needed?
everything is available at GJS. We excitement is huge. The scheme will Most urgent is the reduction in
will be taking utmost care of our be activated during Diwali and there Import Duty, which is very critical
valued exhibitors and visitors and are many unique surprises along as this has encouraged the grey
give them a memorable experience with this initiative. market. Also in Hallmarking, there
for our upcoming GJS scheduled are a few pending critical concerns,
from 7th to 10th April at Bombay Export facilitation: Please share which should be addressed by the
Exhibition Centre, Nesco, Mumbai. some of the programs meant to BIS. We have also recommended
augment exports of jewellery for revamped Gold Monetisation
B2C initiatives: Do you have any from India. Scheme for the Gems & Jewellery
plans for the B2C segment? If so, For GJS 2023, we are focusing on Industry and have also submitted a
please share it. international buyers as well. This detailed roadmap for its successful
This year we would be launching our will boost export opportunities for execution.
most awaited B2C initiative Lucky our exhibitors and play an important
Statement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper
(Bullion World) to be published in the first issue every year after the last day of February
1. Place of publication : Bangalore
2. Periodicity of its publication : Monthly
3. Printer’s Name : Hamsanikethan Printers
Nationality : Indian
Address : Hamsanikethan Printers,
No. 126, C T Bed,Banshankari 2 Stage Bangalore 560070
4. Publisher’s Name : G Srivatsava
Nationality : Indian
Address : #146, 1-2 Floor, Gopal Towers, Ramaiah Street, HAL Airport Road
Kodihalli, Bangalore 560008
5. Editor’s Name : G Srivatsava
Nationality : Indian
Address : #146, 1-2 Floor, Gopal Towers, Ramaiah Street, HAL Airport Road,
Kodihalli, Bangalore 560008
6. Names and addresses of individuals who own the newspaper and partners or shareholders holding
Mr G Srivatsava
146, 1-2 Floor, Gopal Towers,
Ramaiah Street, HAL Airport Road,
Kodihalli, Bangalore 560008
More than one per cent of the total capital
I, Mr G Srivatsava, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and
G Srivatsava
Date: 01-03-2023 Signature of Publisher