Page 16 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022
P. 16

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 08 | August 2022

           2.  It is envisaged that hedge    the gold loan transactions they   refiners could range between 50
              funds shall look to purchase   undertake in the OTC market, on an   lakhs to 250 crores and capacity to
              gold and silver from IIBX which   exchange platform with necessary   refine gold bullion anywhere between
              has the backing of the actual   modifications.                   8 tonnes to 300 tonnes per annum.
              bullion bars which are stored                                    This means an annual capacity of
              in regulated vaults in IFSC and   Further, once the T+0 contract   easily 2000 tonnes can be expected
              other SEZs.                    mainly for facilitating the gold   from these refiners. However, out
           3.  With this, IFSC is expected to   import by QJs in India gets a firm   of this list, most of the refiners
              become the bullion storage hub   footing, the IFSCA shall look to take   are accredited by BIS technical
              primarily and initially for South   calibrated steps towards introducing   standards.
              Asia & South East Asia region   other contracts, including derivatives
              and may be of the World.       contracts, in consultation and    Thus, not many amongst these
           4.  IFSCA expects large scale     coordination with the domestic    refiners have been associated
              participation from funds on Gold   regulators such as the RBI and SEBI   with Responsible Sourcing as
              and Silver ETFs as and when    and other stakeholders.           per the OECD-DDG guidance. It
              they absorb the regulations                                      is imperative that these refiners
              which are already in place.    I would like to provide some more   associate themselves to the norms
           5.  Activities such as bullion leasing,   insight into IFSCA’s future plans on   under the Five Step framework of the
              gold loans, financing against   the development of a comprehensive   OECD.
              BDRs, project financing for doré   precious metal ecosystem, in the
              (raw gold) and Gold Savings    medium to long term.              India must leverage these capacities
              accounts /Gold accumulation                                      which are already in place and build
              plans, etc., can further lead to   1. IBUs as Trading members    new capacities at GIFT-IFSC to
              making GIFT-IFSC as a hub for   IFSCA is aware that banks across   encourage it to become a refining
              various Gold related products.  the world play a key role in the   and storage hub of the world’s gold.
                                             precious metals business which    .........................................................
           Even as IIBX has facilitated some   include various components such   Conclusion:
           transactions of import by QJs during   as gold savings accounts, gold   The journey of IFSC with the launch
           the trial phase, we are looking   deposits, financing, trading both   of the India International Bullion
           to provide more clarity through   proprietary and on behalf of their   Exchange has only begun and on a
           SOPs and guidelines including     customers, & treasury management   right footing.
           those related to enabling a remote   (ALM, risk etc.).
           access – limited purpose mode                                       We hope to scale newer heights to
           of participation by certain QJs on   We have already enabled the bank’s   create a precious metals ecosystem
           the buy side and certain suppliers   branches i.e., the International   as part of a broader financial system
           on ‘sell’ side – based on some    Banking Units to become trading   in IFSC to support the evolution of
           additional eligibility criteria. While   cum clearing members of the IIBX,   a gamut of financial products and
           we expect that at least a few IFSC   apart from the Broker-Dealers on   services helping the investor find
           Banking Units of foreign banks will   IFSC stock exchanges grandfathered  appropriate value at a competitive
           soon see value in becoming TCM/   as TCMs on IIBX. Apart from some   cost when compared to other
           TMs on IIBX, we’d like to provide the   IBUs of foreign banks, we expect   financial jurisdictions.
           additional facility of remote access,   that if and when the RBI permits,
           with proper safeguards and risk   some IBUs of strong Indian banks   We hope that after 10 years when
           management in place, to ensure an   may also become TMs / TCMs on   we look back, we see the peaks
           early participation by a wider set of   IIBX.                       scaled were focused on helping India
           eligible entities.                                                  achieve greater integration with the
                                             2. Export from Domestic Area through   global financial markets.
           We’d also like to formulate a gold   existing refining capacity
           leasing framework through IIBX so   In India, there are 41 refineries   I thank the audience for a patient
           that the QJs as well as the financiers   certified by the Bureau of India   hearing. And once again a big
           / suppliers may be able to replicate   Standards (BIS). The Capex of these   thanks to the organisers.

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